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Codename: Twine

A simple, free, open-source system to manage your business, organisation or social group.


This project is maintained by Tomas! Reach out to me on

How to get the project up and running

Proper instructions will come later, but it's a Ruby on Rails project, so install Ruby, Rails, run bundle, migrate DB etc.


Feel free to explore the code and submit pull requests. It's early days, and proper processes will be formalised. It's a good idea to reach out to Tomas first if you have a bigger idea you want to add to the project.


Protected under the JGTHF (Just Give Tomas a Heads-up First) license, in case you want to use the code for something radically different from the scope of this app/project.


Turbo & Modals

It's not completely straight forward to make modals work with Turbo.

When you want to open a page inside a modal, use the modal_link_to method instead of link_to (with tables, you can use modal_row_link_to instead of row_link_to).

modal_link_to("Edit group", edit_admin_group_path(@group), class: "button button-secondary")

Inside the modal, render the content inside a modal_content Turbo frame, and specify the content inside inside a modal_content block to apply the standard modal styles.

# i.e. views/admin/groups/edit.html.erb
<%= turbo_frame_tag :modal_content do %>
  <%= modal_content do %>
    Put your content here.
  <% end %>
<% end %>

If you want a form inside the modal to close the modal on form submission, you need to specify the following data tags to ensure the HTML modal dialogue doesn't prevent the page from becoming interactive.

# i.e. views/admin/groups/_form.html.erb
data: {
    turbo_frame: "_top",
    action: "turbo:submit-end->modal#close"

# Or for a button_to element
data: {
  turbo_frame: "_top",
form: {
  data: {
    action: "turbo:submit-end->modal#close",

Then simply redirect to the desired page from the controller

# controllers/admin/groups/groups_controller.rb
redirect_to admin_memberships_path(tab:, notice: "#{} updated."


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