- Online Courses & Apps
- YouTube Watch Created basic Ract Native todo list app
- YouTube Initialized a ninja project in firebase
- Creating mini projects in Scratch
- Create Discord Chat Bot
- Create Startup namer app Part 1 and Part 2
- Send Inspire to iOS and Google Play Store
- Google Friendly Chat Application
- Watch Code Videos Harvard
- Finish Work on Tutorial-point
- Studied one on one with Young Wonks tutor in Pro Wonks Program for a few hundred per month.
- Decided to study CS in college
- Cloned a repo and built website tmitchmachine.com in python and flask.
- Over the summer began coding GenPlan & Heavenya in Flutter which caused me to need help so I talked to a contractor on Fivver to help me learn and decided it was best to learn from a course called Dart Tutorial for Beginners: Basics and Fundamentals for Flutter
- Object Oriented Programming Concepts Of Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
- Flutter
- React
- Firebase
- Update Content
- Resend to iOS & Google Play Store
Small Group
- Try to build it
- Send to iOS & Google Play Store
- Ideally install the app on your desktop
git init
git add --all
git commit -m "commit description"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/heavenya/inspire.git
git push --set-upstream origin main
git push -u orgin main
git clone -b "branch" "https://github.com/ORGANIZATION/REPO.git"
git checkout --track "ORGANIZATION/BRANCH"
git add .
git commit -m "Description"
git commit -m "testing"
git push
cd "repo name after /" && git push
git add .
git commit -m "Description"
git push
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- To create a new project open Flutter folder in Visual Studio.
- Type cmd + p
- ">Flutter:new-protect"
- Select application option
- Give the application a name that is all lowercase with _ to seperate the words
- Set Visual Studio To Open At Login In System Prefernces Manually
- Open Terminal In Visual Studio
Command + J on keyboard
- Open Local Host On Browser
flutter run
- Open Mobile Simulator
open -a Simulator
- Check For Errors
flutter doctor
flutter format //path
cmd + shift + p //format document
flutter clean
flutter clean
flutter pub cache repair
flutter packages upgrade
flutter pub get // for packages
flutter run --verbose // for details in terminal when debugging
git reset --hard (Keep in mind to remove both < > and copy the full SHA number example cee7a322c188e3e816521cd924f2e877cf6fe0ae)
Push Reverted Branch To Github = git push -f origin
See hidden files = shift + cmd + .
Mkdir = create a new directory which is a folder Cd = change directory Cd .. = go back a directory
Type the specific error message inside the quotes “error message”
After: “date”
“Error message” after”2021”
Site:URL if you only want results from a specific website You can add a - to remove certain frameworks example -graphql
Place .. for a range for example 2010..2020
When searching for one or the other also with and extra term after it (A | B) C
To find subdomains SITE:*fireship.io -www
Searching Images for a specific type use filetype:”filename” for example filetype:png
To see what your competitors are up to use related:url
To see if the latest website version has been coached cache:URL
Open Develop Tools = cmd + option + I
Chrome Hide Bookmarks Bar By selecting : in upper right corner select bookmarks and ten select show
To hide URL bar shift + cmd + f in full screen mode
U = Source code O = Open Files D = Bookmark H = Home M = Minimize L = URL Space = Over Bookmark Folder
Highlight then cmd + enter = Say “Write as paragraph about why dogs are better than cats
*** = to block text above from being read by jasper
= Designate just that line of text
{} = For inserting a variable example DESTINATION
cmd + k = show history of past commands that you used
cmd + shift + J = it will keep the command visible on the page after it was completed
Cmd + j = to compose
Cmd + / = rerun whatever was just written
Full shortcuts list
Shift + option + f = Formats the code neatly
Cmd + F2= allow all highlighted word occurrences on page to be edited at the same time
Cmd + / = Comment out lines
Cmd + b = hide sidebar menu
Learn More cmd + click on item
Visual Studio Open Terminal = CMD + J
Open App = expo start
Open Simulator = npx react-native run-ios
Save File= CMD S
Redo = shift + cmd + z
Stop Server = Control C
Comment Out = cmd + C, U
Uncomment = cmd + K, U
To receive suggestions = cmd + .
Highlight text change = cmd + d as many times as needed
To receives recommendations = control + space bar
- Go to https://github.com/heavenya/heavenya
- Go to https://github.com/heavenya/heavenya/pulls and select New pull request
- Select which branches you want to merge the https://github.com/heavenya/heavenya/compare
- Select view pull request https://github.com/heavenya/heavenya/pull/124
- Scroll down and select Merge Pull Request