A Comparison of Oil Stocks vs. Commodity Price
- Lydia Jones
- Tyler Nguyen
- Freddy Rangel
- Michael Thomas
Our project is to uncover patterns in crude oil prices and oil company stock prices. We'll examine relationships between different oil companies, short-term relationships in prices of comodity and stock, long-term relationships in prices of comodity and stock trends over the course of the many years, and related questions as the data permits.
To what extent is oil price a proxy for the stock price for an oil company?
What connection is there between the volumes activity and stock price?
Can a ratio of stock price to oil price provide valuable insight? Perhaps opportunities to buy/sell?
How does oil price compare with gold? How does oil do relative to inflation indicators?
How does oil price or a typical stock ticker compare with the S&P 500?
Use of publicly available library to to download all the financial data of a company since its listing in the stock market.
- Data identification
- Data cleanup
- Data aggregation
- Data analysis
- Potential scope based upon available data/time and companies
- Data visualization
- Summary
- Documentation
- Presentation