A simple PHP framework using HMVC architecture
You can use TNH Framework for web or command line application. For web application:
- Any web server (Apache, nginx, lighttp, etc.)
- PHP >= 5.4, PHP 7.4
For CLI application just PHP executable is needed.
Well, I created TNH Framework for my own project, but decided to share with everyone.
I was also tired of all those bloated PHP Framework, with steep learning curve that create another language on top of PHP. Really?!
So this one is smaller. It is not bloated and contains some useful libraries, functions and tricks. And above all, it's damn simple.
composer create-project tnhfw/tnh-fw --stability dev
- Download the framework using the following link https://github.com/tnhfw/tnh-fw/releases
- Extract the downloaded file in your web directory (www, htdocs, web, etc.) for example /www/tnh-fw or using your application name /www/my-apps
Open your browser with the url like http://localhost/tnh-fw or http://localhost/my-apps change localhost with your real IP address or domain name.
Coming soon, be patient