Utility classes that extend and generalize Spark's ML pipeline framework. In particular, it adds the following features:
- support for Transformer-only pipelines (i.e. ETL pipelines)
- support for aggregations as pipeline stages, and multi-aggregation pipelines
- Use any Spark aggregation function
- Use your own User-Defined Aggregation functions (UDAFs)
- support for windowing functions as pipeline stages, and pipelines of multiple windowing functions
- support for "exploding" transformers (ie. using the explode function to expand rows in a DataFrame)
- support for running multiple pipelines in parallel, and then re-joining their results based on common columns
- especially useful if you need to a source DataFrame up to several different levels of granularity
- a few handy transformers that expand upon what's already provided in the Spark ML API, including:
- Column selection, dropping and renaming
- Wrap any function into a tranformer stage (current ML framework only provides a 1-to-1 (ie. Unary) transformer)
SQL code is messy and quickly gets hard to manage, debug and interpret. Regardless of whether or not you're training a machine learning model, organizing your code into a modular, configurable framework makes it much easier to manage, generalize and share. These are all good things, especially for production-quality codebases.
The existing Spark ML Pipelines API does a great job of providing a modular, configurable and extensible framework for packaging up Spark SQL operations into reusable components (Transformers), and chaining them together into pipelines.
However, the API as it is assumes that all pipelines are Estimators, that is, that you would only ever be training an Estimator model or using a trained model to produce estimations. This leaves a lot of potentially productive uses of the pipelines API out of reach. You cannot, for example, use this framework to:
- Build an ETL pipeline
- Modularize the data-prep stages of your model training into re-usable pipelines
- Tune the hyper-parameters of complex data-preparation stages that feed into ML models
It is also not easy to build Transformers that alter the number of rows in a dataset, for example, to:
- explode a single row into multiple rows (i.e. by segmenting a field)
- aggregate across multiple rows
Even windowing functions, which don't actually change the numbers of rows, but compute functions across groups of rows, are hard or impossible to implement.
In order to make the ML Pipelines more flexible, I've created a number of utility classes that address the above gaps. These are fully compatile with the existing Spark ML Pipelines APIs, and can be combined with any other Transformers or Estimators out there. Hopefully, these will prove to be useful to others (I've found them very helpful in my own projects).
This class allows you to wrap any N-to-1 function as a transformer stage.
0-argument functions:
import java.util.UUID
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.FunctionTransformerWrapper
val idGenerator = FunctionTransformerWrapper( "IDGenerator", "idColumnName", UUID.randomUUID )
1-argument functions:
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.FunctionTransformerWrapper
val cosineTransformer = FunctionTransformerWrapper[Double,Double]( "CosineTransformer",
scala.math.cos )
Multiple argument functions:
import scala.math.abs
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.FunctionTransformerWrapper
case class Point( x: Double, y: Double )
val manhattanDistance = FunctionTransformerWrapper( "ManhattanDistance",
( a: Point, b: Point ) =>
abs( a.x - b.x ) + abs( a.y - b.y ) )
This transformer allows you to select out only specific columns from a DataFrame.
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.ColumnSelector
val selector = ColumnSelector( "ColumnA", "ColumnB" )
This transformer allows you to drop only specific columns from a DataFrame.
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.ColumnDropper
val dropper = ColumnDropper( "ColumnA", "ColumnB" )
This transformer allows you to rename column names.
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.ColumnRenamer
val renamer = ColumnRenamer( "A" -> "X", "B" -> "Y" )
A sequence of Transformers in a Pipeline that is itself a Transformer, not an Estimator. This allows you to group multiple Transformers together in sequence, and run them on their own as an ETL pipeline, or include them as the data-preparation stages of an Estimator Pipeline.
import org.apache.spark.ml.Transformer
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.TransformerPipeline
val df: DataFrame = ???
val stage1: Transformer = ???
val stage2: Transformer = ???
val stage3: Transformer = ???
val stage4: Transformer = ???
val transformerPipeline = TransformerPipeline( stage1, stage2, stage3, stage4 )
val transformed = transformerPipeline.transform( df )
A Transformer that "explodes" a column, by splitting values into multiple parts, and producing a new row for each part (where all other columns have their values replicated).
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StringType
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.transformers.ExplodingDataSetTransformer
// a simple tokenizer that splits based on whitespace
val simpleTokenizer = ExplodingDataSetTransformer( "SimpleTokenizer",
(text: String) => text.split("\\w+" ) )
An AggregationStage consists of an aggregation function over one or more columns. These may be added to an AggregationTransformerPipeline to aggregate a DataFrame by a common set of factors. They may also be added to a WindowingTransformerPipeline to aggregate within a defined Window. Details on each case follow.
Add one or more AggregationStages to an AggregationTransformerPipeline to compute multiple aggregations over a DataFrame by a common set of factors.
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{avg, variance}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DoubleType
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.AggregationStage
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.AggregationTransformerPipeline
val meanStage = AggregationStage( "inputColName", "meanColName", DoubleType, (vals: Column) => avg(vals) )
val varStage = AggregationStage( "inputColName", "varColName", DoubleType, (vals: Column) => variance(vals) )
val meanVarianceTransformer = AggregationTransformerPipeline( "idColName", meanStage, varStage )
Add one or more AggregationStages to a WindowingTransformerPipeline to compute aggregations within a Window over a DataFrame.
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{avg, variance}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DoubleType
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.AggregationStage
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.WindowingTransformerPipeline
// compute a rolling average for each ID, of the past 10 values, ordered by timestamps
val meanStage = AggregationStage( "inputColName", "meanColName", DoubleType, (vals: Column) => avg(vals) )
val varStage = AggregationStage( "inputColName", "varColName", DoubleType, (vals: Column) => variance(vals) )
val meanVarianceTransformer = WindowingTransformerPipeline( Seq( meanStage, varStage ),
Seq( "idColName" ),
Seq( "timestampColName" ),
-10, 0 )
Run several pipelines in parallel, and join their results on common columns. This can be especially useful when you need to aggregate a DataFrame up to multiple levels.
import org.apache.spark.sql.Column
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{avg, variance}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DoubleType
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.AggregationStage
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.AggregationTransformerPipeline
import org.memeticlabs.spark.ml.utils.pipelines.ParallelRejoiningPipelines
val meanStage = AggregationStage( "inputColName", "meanColName", DoubleType, (vals: Column) => avg(vals) )
val varStage = AggregationStage( "inputColName", "varColName", DoubleType, (vals: Column) => variance(vals) )
val idAggr = AggregationTransformerPipeline( "idColName", meanStage, varStage )
val groupAggr = AggregationTransformerPipeline( Seq("idColName", "groupColName"), meanStage, varStage )
val rollup = ParallelRejoiningPipelines( Seq( "idColName" ),
Seq( idAggr, groupAggr ),
"outer" )