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This is a full-stack app where you can create posts with image

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

MyGallery Fullstack-MERN-Redux Toolkit

Live demo:

(Not fully responsive yet. 😔😔😔I use a free hosting service, please allow some time for the application to boot up from a cold start. Thank you!!!):


Initialize the project:


  • npm init -y
  • create folder structure for back-end
  • install neccessary dependencies for back-end development (cors, nodemon, etc...)
  • type: "module" to use ES6 in the backend
  • Express:
    • Set up Express: cors(), json(), urencoded(), etc
    • MongoDB Atlas cluster setup
    • Connect to MongoDB using mongoose
    • app.listen()
  • create routes in a separate directory
  • create logic of routes handlers in controller directory: this is the logic for each request. Need to put them in a separate folder as a good practice. (Then move to client side to create basic structure like Form, Post)


  • initialize the project with Vite
  • delete uneccessary files
  • install neccessary dependencies (TailwindCSS, Axios, etc...)
  • create basic structure of the app like Form, Post, NavBar with Tailwind


Fetch Post (with RTK):

  • create get route to fetch all post in the back-end
  • set up basic RTK in the app (store, postSlice, reducers, etc)
  • create fetchPost async action logic using createAsyncThunk to fetch all post and store them in redux store.
  • useEffect to dispatch fetch post action everytime the app is mounted

Create Post: (no redux yet, but can use w Redux to make changes w/o refreshing the page)

  • create put route to create post in the back-end
  • use axios to send post request to server
  • the form data will be sent using FormData()
  • using Multer in the backend
  • storing file in the file system
  • store file name in MongoDB
  • use src attribute to display the image.

Update post: (no Redux yet)


  • create patch route to update post in the back-end
  • using Multer to parse multipart-form data from the client side. Express need multer to be able to parse multipart-form data
  • handle case where there is no new file in the update with if clause since the req.file will be undefined
  • if there is no file, the selectedFile name string can be parsed from req.body
  • if there is new file udpate, multer will store new file and then store the filename string in MongoDB


  • get the mongoDB ID of the post by props drilling
  • the useState in the app component to store ID of the editing post
  • Post will have access to setID and Form will have access to currentID
  • the form will be get the current post data from redux store if there is a currentID
  • then prepopulate the form with useEffect (if logic when there is an editingPost fetch from Redux availlable)
  • then use Axios to send the patch request
  • use if clause in the handleSubmit function to determine when to send post and patch request with updatingID
  • clear the form with setForm from useState

Delete Post: (with RTK, use unlink from fs module, no multer needed)


  • create delete route
  • get the id from the req.params
  • delete the document from MongoDB
  • use the deletedItem result to determine if there is a file to delete
  • find the correct path of the img and delete it in the if clause


  • create a delete thunk in postSlice
  • return the id of the post from the thunk
  • add reducer logic to delete post with filter() and _id
  • dispatch deletePost action in the Post component
  • the UI will automatically update since the Posts component subscribes to the store with useSelector() hook

Authentication (with JWT, bcrypt) will be updated soon:



  • use react-paginate package to build a pagination component
  • use useEffect to navigate to ?page=1 when the component first mounted
  • also useEffect to dispatch fetchPost(page) thunk action everytime page is changed
  • page will be change by handlePageClick provided by react-paginate, it will navigate, update the query string in the URL and lead to useEffect dispatch the fetchPost(page) thunk action.
  • update the getPosts API call to accepts current page as argument
  • update fetchPosts thunk action for pagination.
  • update the states to accept totalPage besides Posts
  • totalPage will be fetched from the Redux store using useSelector
  • style the pagination component according to the react-paginate docs


  • no need to update the getPosts route for query string to work
  • get the page from the front-end API call via req.query
  • use page and hard-coded limit variables to write mongoose query to fetch appropriate portion of posts:
    mongoose query: const posts = await PostsModel.find().limit(limit).skip((page-1)*limit).sort({createdAt: -1});
  • send back the totalPage, and fetched posts



  • create a simple search bar component with a search button
  • useState to get value from the search bar
  • handleChange function will navigate to the /search?s=search_query_in_here
  • the search component will get the query string with useSearchParams if there is any
  • then useEffect will dispatch fetchPostsBySearch(searchQuery) thunk action if there is any query string (create new API call, thunk action, update the state)
  • the Posts component use useSelector so it will rerender when Redux store got update with fetchPostsBySearch thunk action
  • also hide the pagination when search is perform, so I need to limit the number of post to 8 for better UI
  • this can be handle later but will take more time


  • create new routes for search
  • get the search query from req.body
  • convert search query to regEx for the mongoose find() method
  • limit to 8 results for better UI

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This is a full-stack app where you can create posts with image







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