Example project app for solving Operations Research's machine maintenance/replacement models.
This app was a sample made in pure JS, CSS and Bootstrap with the DOM APIs for
rendering the HTMLElement
Run index.html on an HTTP server to serve the app.
Run index.test.html on an HTTP server to execute the tests.
Go to: App
This tool/example-project was superseded by 2DP Repsymo Solver which is a complete web application that solves several models of dynamic programming.
In the solutions tree, you have a pair (K, R) that indicates an imaginary arrow if you take either Keep (K) or Replace (R) from that node, e.g. in the screenshot example if you are in decision year #2, and your machine has 4 years, if you choose K then the arrow goes from that node to the node with the value of 5 in the next decision year, if you choose R then the arrow goes to the node with the value of 1 in the next decision year.
More unit tests can be added to the source code, I only tested the machine-replacement module.
In the solutions tree, the last decision year on the abscissa does not appear because I considered it was not necessary to plot it for this project.
By default, the example found in Taha's book from the machine replacement section comes set with this app. Moreover, you might find that the example in the book has an error in the decision for stage 3 with t = 5!
The samples module also has an example from this source (AARF paper) . The default sample to show in the app can be set in the MainPage constructor. The default sample is Taha's example, so you can opt to set the other sample to check it out too.
I've checked out several problems/exercises from papers or resources on the internet, and it's incredible how wrong they are and how much time those mistakes take away from us, the readers. I've found horrible mistakes related to copy-paste, numeric computation (all the values from the beginning), and minor mistakes like printing a wrong character in the best of the cases. So it's quite easy to spot those huge or minor mistakes by using the application to compute the right solutions. No one would've noticed those mistakes if it wasn't for the application. I, fortunately, have the solver application! The solver app/software is a must in most situations to verify the solutions to our problems.
Tobias Briones: GitHub
2DP Repsymo Solver: Home, GitHub Repository
Example Project: Machine Replacement Model
Example project app for solving Operations Research's machine maintenance/replacement models.
Copyright © 2019-2022 Tobias Briones. All rights reserved.
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later License.