Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm currently a data scientist at Accenture in Berlin. My professional interests are ML and data science and I have an academic backgroud in Physics (bachelor), Data Science (master), and international management (2 dual degree bachelors). Here, you'll find the following repositories:
SwarmRL: A Python package designed for Physics researchers to explore reinforcement learning applications, such as using active matter to manipulate objects. The documentation is currently being expanded, but I'm happy to share example scripts and discuss potential applications. Contact me on LinkedIn for more information.
Chatbot: This repository contains the code necessary to finetune the Gemma model on your own Whatsapp chat history using QLoRA. I will add a Readme soon.
Portfolio: This repository showcases scripts of some of my projects, including
, which offers insight into my coding structure and approach to problem-solving. It's a great starting point for recruiters and those interested in my work methodology.
Interested in collaborating or learning more about my work? Don't hesitate to reach out on LinkedIn or contribute to SwarmRL.