entity-api provides easy to use Entity API for Node.js applications.
Creating, loading, updating and deleting entities can be messy operation behind the scenes, if there is no proper way to do it. This module aims to help you formalize these basic entity operations by defining required Entity types
, Entities
and specialized handlers like View handler
, List handler
, Storage handler
and Access handler
Field API provides tools to define, manage, view and validate entity fields.
Entities are stored to storage backend. This module is shipped with in-memory storage backend called ConfigStorageBackend
Storage backends are provided as own modules. At the moment there is support for following storage backends:
- dynamodb for Amazon AWS DynamoDB
- elasticsearch for ElasticSearch
Please contribute to get more storage backends.
Using npm:
$ npm install --save entity-api
Here is an example how to create a custom entity type called message
to store some notes with content. See example.js for more examples with descriptions.
import {
} from 'entity-api'
class MessageEntity extends Entity {
create(variables = {}, callback) {
this.set('created', Date.now())
describe() {
return `This message says: "${this.get('body')}"`
static getFieldDefinitions() {
const fields = new Map()
fields.set('id', fieldAPI.createBasefield('text')
.setDescription('Entity identifier')
.setProperty('view_properties', {
full: { view_field: true },
list: { view_field: true }
fields.set('body', fieldAPI.createBasefield('text')
.setDescription('Message body')
.setProperty('view_properties', {
full: { view_field: true }
fields.set('created', fieldAPI.createBasefield('integer')
.setName('Created time')
.setDescription('Created time for message')
.setProperty('view_properties', {
full: { view_field: true },
list: { view_field: true }
return fields
static getFieldIndexDefinitions() {
return [
{ 'fieldName': 'id', 'indexType': 'HASH', 'auto': true }
class MessageEntityType extends EntityType {
constructor(variables = {}) {
variables.entityTypeId = 'message'
variables.entityClass = MessageEntity
variables.handlers = {
storage: new EntityStorageHandler({
storageBackend: ConfigStorageBackend
view: new EntityViewHandler(variables),
const entityAPI = EntityAPI.getInstance({}, true)
entityAPI.registerEntityType(new MessageEntityType())
Now you can create, store and load message entities. You can also view entities using view modes
defined within fields. Viewed entity is Data Transfer Object (DTO).
const data = {
body: 'Hi there'
// Create and view entity
.then((entity) => {
return entity.view({ viewMode: 'full' })
.then((viewedEntity) => {
// --> {id: '00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff', body': 'Hi there', created: 1234567890 }
// Save and update entity
.then((entity) => {
// --> This message says: "Hi there"
entity.set('body', 'Wohoo')
return entity.save()
.then((entity) => {
// --> This message says: "Wohoo"
// Load entity
const entityId = {id: '00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff'}
.then((entity) => {
// --> This message says: "Hi there"
Error handling with entities:
.then((entity) => {
if (!entity) {
throw new Error('Unable to create entity')
.catch((err) => {
// If there was an error when creating entity,
EntityAPI has following methods:
entityAPI.getInstance(options = {}, reset = false) Returns entity API instance
entityAPI.registerEntityType(entityType) Register new entity type
entityAPI.registerEntityTypes(entityTypes) Register multiple entity types at once
entityAPI.getEntityType(entitTypeName) Returns entity type by name
entityAPI.getEntityTypeHandler(entitTypeName, handlerName) Returns entity type handler by handler name
entityAPI.getEntityTypeIds() Returns list of entity types
entityAPI.getStorage(name) Returns storage handler for entity type
entityAPI.getViewHandler(name) Returns view handler for entity type
entityAPI.getListHandler(name) Returns list handler for entity type
entityAPI.getAccessHandler(name) Returns access handler for entity type
entityAPI.install(options) Perform install storage operation for all entity types
entityAPI.uninstall(options) Perform uninstall storage operation for all entity types
entityAPI.update(options) Perform update storage operation for all entity types
Entity object has following methods:
entity.id() Returns entity id as object, {key: '...', second_key: '...'}
entity.idString(delimiter = ':') Returns entity id as string using delimiter: 'key:second_key'
entity.getEntityTypeId() Returns entity type identifier
entity.getEntityTag() Returns entity tag. Tag is not saved, but it's available to pass data for entity
entity.getEntityContext() Returns entity context
entity.isNew() Returns boolean flag to indicate if entity is just created
entity.getFields() Returns fields assosiated with this entity
entity.get(fieldName) Returns field by name
entity.set(fieldName, value) Set field value
entity.setDangerously(fieldName, value) Set also protected field value
Entity object has following hooks:
class CustomEntity extends Entity {
// Construct new entity
constructor(variables = {}) {
// Define list of fields for this entity
static getFieldDefinitions() {
const fields = new Map()
return fields
// Entity is about to be created
create(variables, callback) {
finalize(callback) {
// is called after entity is loaded
postLoad(callback) {
// is called before entity is saved
preSave(callback) {
// is called after entity is saved
postSave(callback) {
// is called before entity is deleted
preDelete(callback) {
// is called after entity is deleted
postDelete(callback) {
// Returns base DTO object for when entity is about to be viewed
getViewContent() {
return {}
// Allows entity to alter viewed entity content, for example add dynamic data
alterViewContent(container, options, callback) {
callback(null, container)
By default Entity API
provides following special handlers: EntityStorageHandler
, EntityListHandler
, EntityViewHandler
and EntityAccessHandler
Extend EntityHandler class to provide custom handlers for you entity type.
EntityViewHandler has following methods:
handler.viewEntity(entity, options, callback)
handler.view(entity, options = {}) Returns promise
viewMultipleEntities(entities, options = {}, callback)
handler.viewMultiple(entity, options = {}) Returns promise
has following hooks to manage access to given entity. You should extend EntityAccessHandler class to override this behaviour.
class EntityAccessHandler extends EntityHandler {
* Create access for entity
* @param object
* Source object who want's to create entity.
* @param options
* @return promise
* Resolves boolean has access
createAccess(object, _options = {}) {
return Promise.resolve(false)
* Access check for entity.
* @param entity
* @param op
* Operation to be executed for entity.
* @param object
* Source object who want's to access entity.
* @param options
* Options for current access check
* @return promise
* Resolves boolean has access
access(entity, op, object, _options = {}) {
return Promise.resolve(false)
has following methods to manage storage.
Promise based methods:
storage.create(data) Create new entity
storage.load(id) Load entity by id
storage.loadMultiple(ids) Load multiple entities
storage.save(entity) Save entity
storage.createAndSave(data) Create and save entity
storage.delete(entity) Delete entity
storage.deleteMultiple(entities) Delete multiple entities
Storage has Following methods to manage general storage issues
storage.getSchemas() Retursn schema
storage.getStorageDatabaseName() Returns storage database name for entity
storage.getStorageDatabasePrefix() Returns database prefix for storage
storage.getStorageTableName() Returns table name for storage
storage.getStorageTablePrefix() Returns storage table prefix
storage.getStorageBackend() Returns storage backend object
storage.getEntityFieldDefinitions() Returns list of entity field definitions
storage.getEntityFieldIndexDefinitions() Returns list of entity field index definitions
storage.extractEntityId(indexes, data) Extracts entity if from indexes
storage.isValidEntityId(entityId) Checks if entity id is valid
Callback based storage methods:
storage.createEntity(data, callback)
storage.loadEntity(id, callback)
storage.loadMultipleEntities(ids, callback)
storage.saveEntity(entity, callback)
storage.deleteEntity(entity, callback)
storage.deleteMultipleEntities(entities, callback)
Run tests using npm:
$ npm run test