A simple library to deal with state using a subscription model.
This is fully inspired by svelte stores and is my attempt and replicating them!
example on codepen.
// Create a `Writable` store that allows both updating and reading by subscription.
const writable = (initialState, onFirstSubscription = null) => {
let state = initialState;
let subscriptions = [];
let onLastUnsubsribe = null;
// β‘ Update to new state and notify subscribers.
const set = value => {
if (state === value) return;
state = value;
subscriptions.forEach(fn => fn(state));
// π => π + π Update state using a callback function and notify all subscribers.
const update = fn => {
// π« Add subscripiton and immediatly run with the current state.
const subscribe = run => {
subscriptions = [...subscriptions, run];
// Pass `Set` for readonly stores to update the state.
if (subscriptions.length === 1 && onFirstSubscription)
onLastUnsubsribe = onFirstSubscription(set) || null;
// Run the subscription callback, passing in the state.
// return the unsubscribe function
return () =>{
subscriptions = subscriptions.filter(fn => fn !== run);
// No more subscribers, run cleanup to make sure no longer
// setting state in readonly stores.
if (subscriptions.length === 0) {
onLastUnsubsribe && onLastUnsubsribe();
onLastUnsubsribe = null;
return {set, subscribe, update}
// Create a `Readable` store that only allows reading by subscription.
export const readable = (initialValue, onFirstSubscription) => ({
subscribe: writable(initialValue, onFirstSubscription).subscribe
State in readable
stores are handled by the callback function onFirstSubscription
and will be passed the Set
function from the writable
// Example of Readable store
const time = readable(new Date(), function onFirstSubscription(set) {
const interval = setInterval(() => {
set(new Date());
}, 1000);
return function onLastUnsubsribe() {
// Derive a store from one or more other store values.
const derived = (stores, fn, initial_value) => {
const single = !Array.isArray(stores);
const stores_array = single
? [stores]
: stores;
// If there are 2 arguments in the callback function
// then it means `Set` is being used manualy.
// Otherwise, the value is simply being returned and will need to be `Set`.
const valueIsReturned = fn.length < 2;
// Derived is a readable store... Nice!
return readable(initial_value, set => {
let inited = false;
const values = [];
let cleanup = null;
const sync = () => {
// β» If there is a cleanup this will run on each update before
// the next function call... This is optional and will only be called
// if returned by the function...
cleanup && cleanup();
const result = fn(single ? values[0] : values, set);
if (valueIsReturned) {
// β‘ Result is the value, must `Set` it.
} else {
// `Set` is manualy used within the function itself, no need to `Set` here.
// β» Instead, check to see if a cleanup was returned and if so,
// β» capture it for the next call.
cleanup = typeof result === 'function' ? result : null;
// πͺ Subscribe to each store.
const unsubscribers = stores_array.map((store, index) => store.subscribe( value => {
// Store value from store into the array of values.
// Collect values before getting the computed value of this store.
values[index] = value;
// If this has run once already then sync this dirived value from the other stores.
inited && sync();
// On first run setup inited and run sync.
inited = true;
// Return a unsubscribe all function, to stop listening to other stores.
return function stop() {
unsubscribers.forEach(unsubscribe => unsubscribe());
// β» If there is a cleanup function then run it.
cleanup && cleanup();
// Example of derived store using the time store above...
const start = new Date();
const elapsed = derived(
$time => Math.round(($time - start) / 1000)
// Display the elapsed time.
elapsed.subscribe($time => `The page has been opened ${$time} ${$time === 1 ? 'second' : 'seconds'}`)
// More examples of derived stores.
const a = writable(2)
const b = writable(10)
// Single Subscription
const doubled = derived(a, $a => $a * 2);
// Single Subscription - Asyncronous
const delayedDoubled = derived(a, ($a, set) => {
setTimeout(() => set($a), 1000);
}, 'one moment...');
// Multiple subscriptions
const summed = derived([a, b], ([$a, $b]) => $a + $b);
// Multiple subscriptions - Asyncronous
const delayedSummed = derived([a, b], ([$a, $b], set) => {
setTimeout(() => set($a + $b), 1000);
}, 'one moment...');