this is the Photoshop Extension to watch that image files are added in the folder
select the folder you want to watch and choice options. like witch image type you target or use action etc... . after push watch button , the Extension watch folder you selected and when image is added in folder , open on Photoshop automatically
image formats. you select which format you target
save fotmats. in case you turn on the switch, the Extension saves image as all of formats you selected after open it.
it dispatches action after open an image.
set the folder to watch. while the Extension is watching folder , Photoshop automatically opens an image you put in the folder.
it exports image after open it. it must turn on with save options. without this option , the Extension makes folder and saves image in it. if you turn on it , the Extension'll save image in the folder you selected on this option. you can't set same folder with watch.
download the zxp file is here watch folder PS and install Anastasiy’s Extension Manager to use the Extension
Japanese Explanation is here