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No requirements.


Name Version
aws 5.35.0
external 2.3.2
template 2.2.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_appautoscaling_policy.ecs_auto_scaling resource
aws_appautoscaling_target.appautoscaling_target resource
aws_cloudwatch_log_group.datadog_log_group resource
aws_ecs_cluster.ecs_cluster resource
aws_ecs_service.main resource
aws_ecs_task_definition.task_definition resource
aws_iam_role.ecs_task_execution_role resource
aws_iam_role_policy.datadog_policy resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.that resource
aws_iam_role_policy_attachment.this resource
aws_security_group.ecs_sg resource
aws_security_group_rule.ecs_sg resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
aws_prefix_list.private_s3 data source
aws_region.current data source
external_external.current_service_image data source
template_file.default-container data source


Name Description Type Default Required
app_container_command The command to pass to the app container list(string) [] no
app_container_cpu Default container cpu number 2 no
app_container_environment The environment variables to pass to a container list(map(string)) [] no
app_container_image App container image string n/a yes
app_container_memory Default container memory number 4096 no
app_container_port Default container port number 80 no
app_container_secrets The secrets to pass to the app container list(map(string)) [] no
app_container_ulimits The ulimits to pass to the app container list [] no
app_name app name string n/a yes
autoscaling_cpu_target_percentage Auto-scaling AVG CPU Utilization target percentage number null no
autoscaling_max_capacity Auto-scaling maximmum capacity number null no
autoscaling_min_capacity Auto-scaling minimmum capacity number null no
aws_alb_target_group_arn ALB target group arn string null no
aws_cloudwatch_log_group_name Cloud watch log group name string n/a yes
aws_profile profile string n/a yes
create_datadog Boolean which initiate datadog container creation or not bool false no
datadog_container_cpu Datadog container cpu number 10 no
datadog_container_environment Datadog container environment variables list(map(string)) [] no
datadog_container_image Datadog container image string "" no
datadog_container_memoryreservation Datadog container memory number 256 no
datadog_container_name Datadog container name string "datadog_agent" no
datadog_container_port Datadog container port number 8126 no
datadog_container_secrets The secrets to pass to the datadog container list(map(string)) [] no
dockerLabels A key/value map of labels to add to the container map(string) {} no
ecr_repo_url ecr repo url string n/a yes
ecs_security_group_additional_rules List of additional security group rules to add to the security group created any {} no
ecs_service_desired_count ecs service desired count number n/a yes
environment environment string n/a yes
iam_role_additional_policies IAM Policy to be attached to role list(string) [] no
is_auto_scaling_enabled A boolean flag to enable/disable auto-scaling features bool false no
subnet_ids Subnet IDs used in Service list(string) null no
task_definition_cpu Task definition CPU number 2048 no
task_definition_memory Task definition memory number 4096 no
vpc_id VPC id string n/a yes


Name Description
ecs_cluster_name n/a
ecs_service_name n/a
ecs_task_definition_arn n/a
ecs_task_execution_role_arn n/a
security_group_ecs_id n/a