Operating Systems FAT 32 file system project
By Tom Milman
- bpb_info.h: Takes care of all the needed BPB_Info structs and commands.
- dir_object (c/h): All the structs and commands that are connected to files/dir and their clusters.
- endianess (c/h): simple endianess commands to convert from little endian to big endian.
- fat32_reader.c: The main. Has the main loop in it, and setps up all the basic information to begin working with the disk image.
- makefile: the make file for the project.
- README.md: this file.
- token_object (c/h): simple struct and command to break down char arrays into separate tokes.
Make sure all the files and the makefile are in the working directory. From there, type in the command line
After compiling and without changing the working directory, type:
./fat32_reader {disk image path}
Better to use relative path. For example:
./fat32_reader fat32.img/fat32.img
There were many challenges while doing this project. Most of them were because of c.
Other challenges were understanding the FAT32 specs, especially how to work with the clusters, and the FAT table.
Stackoverflow for issues with c.
The Wikipedia page about the Design of the FAT file system