This project implements Map Reduce to find all the the actors (or actresses) who also acted as directors in the same movie title
- Copy all the input files in folder "inputImdb" inside IMDB-3mapper2reducer folder
- The input file name should be as follows:
- imdb00-title-actors.csv
- title.basics.tsv
- title.crew.tsv
- jdk 1.8 required
- download Hadoop for windows and for Linux
setting up and running hadoop on linux is easier, if you don't have Linux try using wsl.
- I have my bashrc file present in home location. To start hadoop one node cluster, run below commands:
source ~/.bashrc
sudo service ssh start
After setting up hadoop and all the environment variable, check if the UI of hadoop is up and running. At default node 50070 http://localhost:50070/dfshealth.html#tab-overview
Place all the input files in folder 'inputMapReduce' and Upload the folder to hadoop HDFS
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal <folder_location>/inputMapReduce /
- Run the following command to run the project
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar <project_folder>/target/NewProjectHadoop-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar com.uta.MapperReducerMain /inputMapReduce/title.basics.tsv /inputMapReduce/imdb00-title-actors.csv /inputMapReduce/title.crew.tsv /mapreduce_output
: The HDFS location may have mentioned output folder, so delete the folder first and then run above command. Folder can be deleted from HDFS using this command:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -rm -r /mapreduce_output
- After completion of the command, the output folder can be seen using this command:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -cat /mapreduce_output/part-r-00000
and to copy the files to your location, use:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs dfs -get /mapreduce_output/* output-distr
It is an academic project, to verify the mapper-reducer result comare it to the output of the query below on database which has tables with same dataset as in input files:
/* * * SELECT * FROM imdb00.title_basics b INNER JOIN imdb00.TITLE_PRINCIPALS a ON * a.TCONST=b.TCONST and a.category in ('actor','actress') and a.NCONST<>'\N' * INNER join imdb00.title_crew c ON a.TCONST=c.TCONST and c.directors<> '\N' * and c.directors like '%'||a.NCONST||'%' --check this as dir are comma * separated Where b.Titletype='movie' AND b.startYear BETWEEN '1950' AND '1960' * ORDER BY a.TCONST ASC; * */