Releases: tomek-o/VideoPlayer
Releases · tomek-o/VideoPlayer
- FIXED default playlist selection when playlist are hidden
- FIXED "Rename playlist" for newly created playlist (not saved yet)
- added option to store separate volume setting for each file from playlist
- store and show video and audio bitrates for playlist entries (files can be softed by bitrate)
- FIXED Access Violation when unhiding playlist
- saving modified playlists with 120 s timer event (not only on exit) to prevent possible playlist loss in case of e.g. crash/reboot
- files dropped to playlist are now not played automatically (to avoid unintentional loss of previously played file bookmark)
- added "Hide playlist" function
- added "Go to file" menu item
- settings: added option to add extra parameters for mplayer (added for every file after default parameters)
- playlists can hold extra mplayer parameters for each file, added at the end of mplayer command line
- log: show mplayer command line
- default configuration: "L" as shortcut to "show log"
- default configuration: try also relative mplayer\mplayer.exe path if this file exists
- add setting for control panel position: top (default) or bottom
- changed default softvol amplification to 200% and volume to 50
- Ctrl+D: delete selected files (if stopped) or currently playing file
- 'p' during playback: go to previous file (if position < 10 seconds) or go to beginning of the current file
- added "Mark" function
- added function marking files that are possible duplicates - by size
- added file length to playlists
- fixed issue with flickering at startup if multiple playlists are loaded
- delaying load of playlists until user switches to particular playlist
- remembering last playlist selected on restart
- added common.lib
- hotkeys are now configurable; previous fixed hotkeys are now default configuration
- added "show log" action type for hotkeys
- mplayer: use pausing_keep when changing volume and for OSD commands
- treat mplayer configuration path as relative to VideoPlayer.exe by default, as absolute if mplayer executable was not found there