Spotter library provides mouse and keyboard automation based on the classic java.awt.Robot
, with the added capability of
image recognition.
It allows you to search for specific images on the screen and interact with them using mouse and keyboard events. The library also supports waiting for images to appear before proceeding. Its image recognition algorithms are simple, utilizing pixel-by-pixel comparison and color-map reversed indexing.
All versions are listed on jitpack
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tomekbielaszewski:spotter:master-SNAPSHOT'
Two system properties are used for image finding debugging
- relative directory path to store step-by-step images as the ImageLocator searches the Icon
on Screen
Each commit is built on dedicated jitpack page and released as one of the versions there
If the build is not triggered automatically - the button "Get it" will trigger it - logs should start to show progress then.
Tagging the commit will trigger production release on