This was created as part of a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) learning project. The goal was to deploy a simple web application with a database. And along the way, appreciate the differences between AWS and GCP.
Ruby web application built using the Sinatra framework. Sinatra is a lighter web framework compared to Rails.
Sequel is a simple, flexible, and powerful SQL database access toolkit for Ruby. It also includes a comprehensive ORM layer for mapping records to Ruby objects and handling associated records.
- Ruby 3.1.1
- You could probably use a lower version. But you will need to update
- If you are new to Ruby, I would recommend you to use Ruby Version Manager to install and manage your Ruby versions. RVM uses the
.ruby-* files.
- If you prefer asdf, feel free to add
- You could probably use a lower version. But you will need to update
- Bundler
- Run
to install the gems dependencies
Run bundle exec ruby app.rb