This is a website for East Africa leaders annual general meeing. It has the about and the home page at the moment. Everyone intrested in the annual general meeting can get all the information he/she needs on this website.
- CSS3
- javascript
To get a local copy up and running, do the following steps:
- A text editor
- Git and github setup.
On your terminal, navigate to your current directory and run this code: git clone
Then run: cd Leadership-Summit-webpage
Open the project in your favourite code editor. You can use "code ." for VS Code.
On your terminal,
👤 Tonny Tei -Github: @teitonny -Twiter: @TonnyTei -linkedIn: TonnyTei
Contributions, issues, and features requests are welcome. Feel free to send me an email @
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Cindy Shin the author of the origin Design []
This project is MIT licensed.