Atempted Answer(solution) to student's semester exam at University of Agriculture Markurdi
31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40 are Celsius temperature values held in an external file celstemp.txt. Write a java method celsToFahr that reads the temperature values from the external files, Converts the Celsius values to Fahrenheit using F = (9.0/5) * Celsius + 32 Create a main method that uses a FOR LOOP and calls celsToFahr in order to produce the following output in an external file fahrtemp.txt.
Cels Temp | Fahr Temp |
40 | 104.00 |
: | : |
31 | 87.80 |
Find at:
Java file (class): TempConverter\src\converter/
Text files location: TempConverter\src