Prerequisite packages: #tolerance, #lme4, #dplyr, #FSA
The EN689/1995 and EN689/2018 are the European standards employed to assess the compliance of similar exposed groups (SEGs) of workers to airborne substances and to evaluate workers exposures with the occupational exposure limit values (OELv).
The "Preliminary Test" and "Statistical Test" are the compliance strategies employed in both EN689s that were reported in the package as "Phase One" and "Phase Two", respectivily.
The BOHS-NVvA of 2011 reports the "Individual Compliance Test" and "Between Worker Variance Test" to assess temporal variability in (average) exposure within and between workers in a SEG. "Phase3" and Individual "Compliance" are the functions reported in the package.
Over Exposure and Exceedance calculations were integrated as well.