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Monitors Citrix MCS delivery groups and automatically creates machines based on the number of machines you want always available to be assigned to users.

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Citrix Autodeploy for MCS

Monitors Citrix MCS delivery groups and automatically creates machines based on the number of machines you want always available to be assigned to users. The main goal of this is to eliminate the need to monitor your delivery groups and manually spin up machines when there aren't any left to be assigned.



  • Windows Server 2012+
  • Powershell 5.1+
  • Citrix (CVAD) Powershell snapins 1912 LTSR or later
  • PSTeams Powershell module

PSTeams module only required if you want to send notifications to an MS Teams channel

Older versions may work but only these were tested

Active Directory

Active Directory service account with permissions to create computer objects in the OU's used by your machine catalogs. See this link for details on the required Active Directory permissions.

Citrix Studio

The Active Directory service account will need the 'Machine Catalog Administrator' and 'Delivery Group Administrator' roles.


I would not recommend running this directly on one of your delivery controllers. I run this on a management jump box.

Start Powershell as Administrator then run the following commands:

git clone
cd CitrixAutoDeploy

The setup script performs the following:

  • Create an Applications and Services event log called Citrix Autodeploy
  • Create three scheduled tasks
    • Citrix Autodeploy
    • Citrix Autodeploy Error Monitor
    • Citrix Autodeploy Machine Creation Monitor
  • Delegate the SeBatchLogonRight (Logon as a batch job) privilege to the Active Directory service account on the local machine

By default the task is set to start every day at 5:00 AM, and run every hour after that, but the settings can be modified in Task Scheduler. For testing you can run the Citrix Autodeploy scheduled task manually.


You will need to configure which machine catalogs and delivery groups you want to monitor in the citrix_autodeploy_config.json. setup.ps1 will create this for you if it does not exist. The included example config file contains the following:

    "AutodeployMonitors" : {
        "AutodeployMonitor": [
                "AdminAddress" : "",
                "BrokerCatalog" : "Example Machine Catalog",
                "DesktopGroupName" : "Example Delivery Group",
                "MinAvailableMachines" : 5,
                "PreTask" : "C:\\Scripts\\pre-task.ps1",
                "PostTask" : "C:\\Scripts\\post-task.ps1"
                "AdminAddress" : "",
                "BrokerCatalog" : "Example Machine Catalog",
                "DesktopGroupName" : "Example Delivery Group",
                "MinAvailableMachines" : 1,
                "PreTask" : "",
                "PostTask" : ""
Attribute Description
AdminAddress Delivery controller FQDN
BrokerCatalog Machine catalog name
DesktopGroupName Delivery group name
MinAvailableMachines How many machines you want to be available at all times
PreTask Script to run before creating a new machine
PostTask Script to run after creating a new machine

MinAvailableMachines works by checking how many unassigned machines there are in the delivery group. It then subtracts that number from MinAvailableMachines to determine how many machines it must create to satisfy the configured MinAvailableMachines.

Adding custom properties

You can add any custom properties to each object that you may need to use in a post-task script. For example, if you need machines created in a certain catalog added to specific AD groups, you could add a custom property called ADGroups to the object:

    "AdminAddress" : "",
    "BrokerCatalog" : "Example Machine Catalog",
    "DesktopGroupName" : "Example Delivery Group",
    "MinAvailableMachines" : 1,
    "PreTask" : "",
    "PostTask" : "",
    "ADGroups" : ["SomeGroup", "SomeOtherGroup"]

Then in your post-task script, you can reference your custom property using the $AutoDeployMonitor variable:

if (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AutoDeployMonitor.ADGroups)) {
    $ADObject = Get-AdComputer $NewBrokerMachine.MachineName.Split('\')[1]
    foreach ($ADGroup in $AutoDeployMonitor.ADGroups) {
        Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $ADGroup -Members $ADObject

Email alerts

For email alerts to function you must configure acitrix_autodeploy_config_email.json. setup.ps1 will create this for you if it does not exist. You may also need to allow the machine running Citrix Autodeploy to relay email through your SMTP server.

    "SmtpServer" : "",
    "To" : ["", ""],
    "From" : ""

MS Teams alerts

You can also send alerts to an Microsoft Teams channel.

  1. Create an incoming webhook in Teams
  2. Install the PSTeams Powershell module on the machine running Citrix AutoDeploy
  3. Put the following code in citrix_autodeploy_monitor_machine_creation.ps1
Import-Module PSTeams
$Regex          = "'(.*?)'"
$Matches        = $Event.Message | Select-String -Pattern $Regex -AllMatches | Foreach-Object { $_.Matches }
$MachineCatalog = $Matches[0].Value.Trim("'")
$DeliveryGroup  = $Matches[1].Value.Trim("'")
$VM             = $(($Event.Message -split ' ')[3])

$Color = 'Green'
$Fact1 = New-TeamsFact -Name 'VM Name' -Value $VM
$Fact2 = New-TeamsFact -Name 'Machine Catalog' -Value $MachineCatalog
$Fact3 = New-TeamsFact -Name 'Delivery Group' -Value $DeliveryGroup

$TeamsSection = @{
    ActivityDetails = $Fact1, $Fact2, $Fact3   

$Sections = New-TeamsSection @TeamsSection

$TeamsMessage = @{
    Uri          = $Uri
    MessageTitle = 'Citrix AutoDeploy'
    MessageText  = 'Machine Created'
    Color        = $Color
    Sections     = $Sections

Send-TeamsMessage @TeamsMessage

Here's an example MS Teams notification:

MS Teams

The two included monitor scripts will send alerts for event ID's 1 and 3 by default. You can get additional alerts by creating scheduled tasks that trigger on the different event ID's described below.

Events and logging

Event ID Details
Autodeploy job started: 

AdminAddress :
BrokerCatalog : Example Machine Catalog
DesktopGroupName : Example Delivery Group
MinAvailableMachines : 1
PreTask :
PostTask : C:\Scripts\post-task.ps1
1 All errors report as event ID 1 to simplify alerting
2 Creating VM VMName in catalog 'Example Machine Catalog' and adding to delivery group 'Example Delivery Group'
3 Successfully created VM VMName in catalog 'Example Machine Catalog' and added it to delivery group 'Example Delivery Group'
No machines needed for desktop group 'Example Delivery Group'
Available machines: 1
Required available machines: 1

Available machine names:
Executing pre-task 'C:\Scripts\pre-task.ps1' for desktop group Example Delivery Group
Executing post-task 'C:\Scripts\post-task.ps1' for desktop group Example Delivery Group
Pre-task output

Some script output
Post-task output

Some script output

Pre and post deployment tasks

You can define a script to run in the citrix_autodeploy_config.json before each machine is created, and after each machine is created. This can be useful for things such as putting a machine in maintenance mode or registering it with your CMDB. A couple examples are included in post-task-examples folder.

Here is an example post-task that puts the newly created machine into maintenance mode, and then powers it on:

Set-BrokerMachineMaintenanceMode -AdminAddress $AdminAddress -InputObject $NewBrokerMachine -MaintenanceMode $true                   
New-BrokerHostingPowerAction -AdminAddress $AdminAddress -MachineName $NewBrokerMachine.MachineName -Action TurnOn

The following variables can be used in pre and post-task scripts:

Variable Data Type Availability
$AutoDeployMonitor PSCustomObject Pre and Post
$AdminAddress System.String Pre and Post
$BrokerCatalog Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.Catalog Pre and Post
$DesktopGroupName Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.DesktopGroup Pre and Post
$UnassignedMachines Citrix.Broker.Admin.SDK.Desktop Pre and Post
$MachinesToAdd System.Int32 Pre and Post
$PreTask System.String Pre and Post
$PostTask System.String Pre and Post
$PreTaskOutput Depends on task output Post
$IdentityPool Citrix.ADIdentity.Sdk.IdentityPool Post
$NewAdAccount Citrix.ADIdentity.Sdk.AccountOperationDetailedSummary Post
$ProvScheme Citrix.MachineCreation.Sdk.ProvisioningScheme Post
$NewVMProvTask System.Guid Post
$NewBrokerMachine Citrix.Broker.Admin.Sdk.Machine Post

Troubleshooting and Common Errors

Event log error Solution
Cannot validate argument on parameter 'ADAccountName'. The number of provided arguments (0) is fewer than the minimum number of allowed arguments (1). Provide more than 1 arguments, and then try the command again. Ensure the service account has the proper permissions on the OU.
The term 'Get-BrokerCatalog' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again. Ensure the Powershell snapins are installed. These can be installed standalone from the CVAD ISO or with Citrix Studio.
Failed to connect to back-end server '' on port 80 using binding WSHttp. The server may be off-line or may not be running the appropriate service Double-check the AdminAddress defined in the citrix_autodeploy_config.json.
Insufficient administrative privilege Ensure the service account has been added to the 'Machine Catalog Administrator' and 'Delivery Group Administrator' roles in Citrix Studio.


Monitors Citrix MCS delivery groups and automatically creates machines based on the number of machines you want always available to be assigned to users.




