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⚽️ ETS MTI805 - Soccer Player Detection

  • 👨🏻‍💻 Project done as part of my Master's degree course on Computer Vision at the Ecole de Technologie Superieure de Montreal

📚 Resources

Automatic player detection, labeling and tracking in broadcast soccer video

🛠 Setup

  1. Download ZIP
  2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file
  3. Open Visual Studio 2015
  4. Open project "MTI805_Project.sln"
  5. Set MTI805_Project as Startup Project
  6. Set Mode Debug x64
  7. Run

📋 Libraries used

  • kernel32.lib
  • user32.lib
  • gdi32.lib
  • winspool.lib
  • comdlg32.lib
  • advapi32.lib
  • shell32.lib
  • ole32.lib
  • oleaut32.lib
  • uuid.lib
  • odbc32.lib
  • odbccp32.lib
  • opencv_calib3d320d.lib
  • opencv_core320d.lib
  • opencv_face320d.lib
  • opencv_features2d320d.lib
  • opencv_flann320d.lib
  • opencv_highgui320d.lib
  • opencv_imgcodecs320d.lib
  • opencv_imgproc320d.lib
  • opencv_ml320d.lib
  • opencv_objdetect320d.lib
  • opencv_photo320d.lib
  • opencv_shape320d.lib
  • opencv_stitching320d.lib
  • opencv_superres320d.lib
  • opencv_video320d.lib
  • opencv_videoio320d.lib
  • opencv_videostab320d.lib
  • opencv_xfeatures2d320dlib