My solution to the Jester Practice Problem on --
The approach I used is collaborative filtering based on the example from the week 9 homework assignment of the Machine Learning class on Coursera --
To train a model and write predictions to a csv, simply run:
Runs on Python 3 and requires numpy and pandas. The output will show up in /predictions/pred.csv. Parameters X and Theta are stored as files in /cache/ after training, and loaded for use the next time. If you want to train a new model you can delete /cache/X.npy and /cache/Theta.npy or modify Modify to change the hyper parameters of the model.
If you want to continue training a model using cached parameters X and Theta for more iterations, you can do so like this:
X = np.load('cache/X.npy')
Theta = np.load('cache/Theta.npy')
X, Theta = model(params = (X, Theta))
The function model() will continue training with the given parameters X and Theta. Note that the number of features must be the same or the dimensions won't match up and it will cause an error.