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Christophe Rosset edited this page Apr 8, 2016 · 6 revisions

The main tasks are already exposed in the README. Since the v3.0.0, the project follows the same development & build workflow as topheman/webpack-babel-starter (you should check it out if you want to know more).

Here are some specifics to this projects:

###Test tasks

  • npm test: Basic test command, linting & unit-testing the source code
  • npm run karma: Only launches unit tests
  • npm run karma-watch: Runs unit tests in continue (useful when writing unit tests)
  • npm run karma-coverage: Runs unit tests & outputs code coverage in build/reports/coverage
  • npm run mocha: Runs unit tests directly through mocha
  • npm run mocha-watch: Runs unit tests directly through mocha in continue
  • npm run lint: Lints the source code
  • npm run lint-watch: Lints the source code in continue (useful when you're fixing lots of linting errors)
  • npm run test-e2e: launches end to end tests via protractor (by default on your current webpack dev server launched in mock mode)

###Configuration tasks

  • npm run generate-http-fixtures: Will generate ./test/fixtures/http.json files, via nock, which will be used in mock mode (you shouldn't use it, you will change the data on which the tests are based)
  • npm run webdriver-manager-update: Shortcut to ./node_modules/.bin/webdriver-manager update (triggered at npm postinstall to retrieve the latest webdriver for selenium)

###Environment variables

  • NODE_ENV: by default to development:
    • development: You'll have sourcemaps, more infos via the console for debugging
    • mock: All http requests will be mocked (used for unit/e2e tests)
    • production: Minification, optimization, cache invalidation ...
  • DEVTOOLS: Includes the redux-devtools if set to true
  • API_ROOT_URL: Allows you to change the url of the github API (if you go through a proxy like topheman-apis-proxy)
  • LINTER: Disables linter when set to false (by default at true)
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