This is a Bookmarklet to help you spy on Shopify stores, and see what new products they are adding to their stores.
In this Bookmarklet we're using Feedly website to spy on Shopify Stores using RSS, you can spy on Shopify Stores without this Bookmarklet, by copying the URL of the Shopify store and going to Feedly website, entering the URL of the store, and adding /collections/all.atom at the end of the URL.
But by using this Bookmarklet you'll be more productive
You don't have to copy the URL and go to the Feedly website every time
just one simple click will open a new browser tab and search for the shopify RSS and you just need to click on follow to follow the store.
- Create an account on feedly
- copy the Javascript Code from above
- Right click on the bookmarks bar, and choose "Add Page"
- Enter a name, and in the URL put the code that you've copied from above, and click save.
- Go to any shopify store and click on the Bookmarklet