WPJsonScraper is a tool for dumping a maximum of the content available on a WordPress installation. It uses the wp-json API to retrieve all important information and enumerate every user, post, comment, media and more.
This allows to get information about sensitive files or pages which may be not protected enough from external access.
WPJsonScraper is written in Python and should work with any Python 3 environment given that the following packages are installed:
- Python 3
- requests
Just clone the repository with git and run pip install -r requirements.txt
The tool needs the definition of a target WordPress installation and a flag instructing which action to do.
You may want to have all available information using the -a flag. But this is maybe a bit verbose, so you can select which categories of information you need in these ones :
- -h, --help: display the help and exit
- -v, --version: display the version number and exit
- -a, --all: display all data available
- -i, --info: dump basic information about the target
- -e, --endpoints: dump full endpoint documentation
- -p, --posts: list all published posts
- -u, --users: list all users
- -t, --tags: list all tags
- -c, --categories: list all categories
- -m, --media: list all public media objects
- -g, --pages: list all public pages
- -S, --search SEARCH_TERMS: performs a search on SEARCH_TERMS
- -r, --crawl-ns: crawl plugin namespaces for collections. Set it to all to crawl all namespaces
- --proxy PROXY_URL force the data to pass through a specified proxy server
- --auth CREDENTIALS use the specified credentials as basic HTTP auth for the server
- --cookies COOKIES add specified Cookies to the requests
- --no-color: remove color (for example to redirect the output to a file)
Moreover, you can export contents of pages and posts to a folder in separate files:
- --export-pages PAGE_EXPORT_FOLDER
- --export-posts POST_EXPORT_FOLDER
You can set the proxy server with the --proxy flag. It can be an HTTP or HTTPS as described in Python requests documentation. By default the proxy servers of the system are used.
Using the -r option, you can crawl collections of the specified namespace. This allows you to get a set of objects from the API and maybe confidential data ;)
WordPress WP-JSON API allows to search in posts, pages, media objects, tags, categories, comments and users.
The -S (--search) option allows to use this functionnality with wp-json-scraper.
It can be used on a specific item type or on several at once.
# Search for "lorem" for all item types specified
./WPJsonScraper.py -S lorem https://demo.wp-api.org/
# Search for "hello world" in posts, users and pages only
./WPJsonScraper.py -S "hello world" -p -u -g https://demo.wp-api.org/
WPJsonScraper is not a mature project yet and its features are pretty basic for the moment. Some of the features that could be implemented in the future are:
- Comments dumping
- Posts revisions retrieval
- Plugins support
- Specific retrievals by id
- Authentication support with NTLM
- Write tests duh!