- Open Calculator App
- Input necessary data
- Click on equal button
- Verify the result
- Selenium Webdriver
- TestNG
- Gradle
- Node
- Allure Report
- Appium v2.0.1
- Appium Inspector v2024.3.4
- Intellij idea v2024.1
- Android Studio v2023.2.1
- JDK 11 or higher
- NodeJS
- Configure ANDROID_HOME
- Set environment variable
- Configure Java GRADLE_HOME
- Configure Allure path
- Install Appium
npm i appium@next --global
- Install Driver
appium driver install uiautomator2
- Install Plugin
appium plugin install execute-driver
- Activate plugin
appium --use-plugins=execute-driver
- Appium Inspector v2024.3.4
- Clone the project
- Execute the following command on the project directory
gradle clean test
- Execute the following commands on the project directory (after finishing the project run)
allure generate allure-results --clean
allure serve allure-results --clean