- Python 2.7.5
- Git
- pip install virtualenv
- mkdir /dir/to/mba/projects/ & cd /dir/to/mba/projects/
- virtualenv mba_env
- source mba_env/scripts/activate(linux) or mba_env/scripts/activate(windows)
- Clone the source: git clone https://github.com/toway/mba.git
- pip install -r requirements.txt For Windows user, you should download [py-bcrypt binary][1] first and install it, and remove the package from requirements.txt
- And maybe you need to install the suitable version of kotti_settings, kotti_blog via pip
- Install mba: python setup.py develop
- pserve development.ini --reload
- url /admin could not be accessed via kotti0.10a1, but ok for kotti0.10dev,however, kotti0.10dev if not tagged.