Version 0.0.4
- Implement OnionAnnounce struct (#77)
- Use InnerOnionResponse as onion response payload (#85)
- Handle onion request/response packets in DHT Node (#88)
- Handle OnionAnnounceRequest/OnionDataRequest packets (#106)
- Add sender's address to TCP's onion sink (#113)
- Update TCP onion packets (#115)
- Migrate to parking_lot::RwLock instead of std (#82)
- Refactor DHT Node, remove client struct (#96)
- Fix "Decrypting DhtRequest failed" (#102)
- Add TCP Relay client connection (#10)
- Improve TCP Relay tests (#103)
- Add hash of pings to DHT server (#98)
- Fix ".ping_id does not match" (#86, #87)
- Migrate to tokio-timer v0.2 (#108)
- Remove timedout clients from DHT Node (#73)
- Remove useless union value from decryption errors (#110)
- Implement Lan Discovery handler (#71, #78)
- Split Onion, TCP, DHT Packet into multiple files (#72, #83, #109)
- Move to our IoFuture since it is going to be deprecated in tokio (#112)