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Certified Kubernetes Associate (CKA) Study Notes

This is my study guide for the Certified Kubernetes Associate (CKA) exam.

2Hrs | Cost $375 | Online Exam
K8s version 1.22 (Oct 13, 2021)

CKA Curriculum

Updated exam curriculum for v1.22

Domain Weight
1. Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration 25%
1.1. Manage role based access control (RBAC)
1.2. Use Kubeadm to install a basic cluster
1.3. Manage a highly-available Kubernetes cluster
1.4. Provision underlying infrastructure to deploy a Kubernetes cluster
1.5. Perform a version upgrade on a Kubernetes cluster using Kubeadm
1.6. Implement etcd backup and restore
2. Workloads & Scheduling 15%
2.1. Understand deployments and how to perform rolling update and rollbacks
2.2. Use ConfigMaps and Secrets to configure applications
2.3. Know how to scale applications
2.4. Understand the primitives used to create robust, self-healing, application deployments
2.5. Understand how resource limits can affect Pod scheduling
2.6. Awareness of manifest management and common templating tools
3. Services & Networking 20%
3.1. Understand host networking configuration on the cluster nodes
3.2. Understand connectivity between Pods
3.3. Understand ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer service types and endpoints
3.4. Know how to use Ingress controllers and Ingress resources
3.5. Know how to configure and use CoreDNS
3.6. Choose an appropriate container network interface plugin
4. Storage 10%
4.1. Understand storage classes, persistent volumes
4.2. Understand volume mode, access modes and reclaim policies for volumes
4.3. Understand persistent volume claims primitive
4.4 Know how to configure applications with persistent storage
5. Troubleshooting 30%
5.1. Evaluate cluster and node logging
5.2. Understand how to monitor applications
5.3. Manage container stdout & stderr logs
5.4. Troubleshoot application failure
5.5. Troubleshoot cluster component failure
5.6 Troubleshoot networking

Kubernetes Documentation

CKA Training

CKA Lab Exercises

Other CKA Lab Exercises

CKA Exam Tips

  • Time management is key!
    • You have 15-20 performance-based tasks to perform in 2 hours, so an average of 6-8 min per task. Some tasks are easy but some others will take much more time.
    • Get all questions done:
      • Make sure to go through all 15-20 tasks
      • Get all the easiest tasks done first!
    • Never get stuck:
      • If a task is seems difficult or it's taking you more than 2-3 min, then flag it and keep moving to get any easy task done first.
      • Then go back to each of the flagged tasks afterwards.

  • Setup kubectl alias and autocomplete
    • source <(kubectl completion bash)
    • alias k=kubectl
    • complete -F __start_kubectl k

  • Setup an shell variable to easily generate resource specs in YAML format:
    • export do="--dry-run=client -o yaml"
      • then we can run:
      • k run pod1 --image=nginx $do

  • Setup VIM for yaml by adding these lines to the ~/.vimrc configuration file:
    • set et or set expandtab (spaces instead of tabs)
    • set si or ```set smartindent`` (automatic and smart indentation)
    • set ts=2 or set tabstop=2 (the number of spaces that a tab equates to)
    • set sts=2 or set softtabstop=2 (the number of spaces to use when expanding tabs)
    • set sw=2 or set shiftwidth=2 (the number of spaces to use when indenting or de-indenting a line)
    # .vimrc
    set et
    set si
    set ts=2
    set sts=2
    set sw=2

  • Use kubectl shortnames:
    • no po ns deploy svc ing ds netpol pv pvc sa cm ep sc ...

  • Use imperative commands whenever possible:
    • E.g. use: k run -h, k create deploy -h, k expose -h...
    • instead of: k apply -f <filename.yaml>

  • Use -w (i.e. --watch=true) to start watching updates to a particular object.
    • k get po -w to watch your pods


Certified Kubernetes Associate (CKA) Preparation






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