is a ssh
wrapper, that makes ssh
more intuitive to use.
$ on mail www do uptime
14:57:17 up 12 days, 2:00, 2 users, load average: 1.47, 1.62, 1.66
14:57:21 up 5 days, 23:30, 0 users, load average: 0.25, 0.20, 0.15
$ cat ~/.on.config
servers="mail www"
$ on -p servers do "uname -a"
mail: Linux
www: Linux
$ echo "some file with some content" > /tmp/foo
$ on servers nfs put /tmp/foo
foo 100% 28 0.0KB/s 00:00
foo 100% 28 0.0KB/s 00:00
foo 100% 28 0.0KB/s 00:00
$ on servers get /etc/debian_release /tmp/debian_release
debian_version 100% 11 0.0KB/s 00:00
debian_version 100% 11 0.0KB/s 00:00
$ ls /tmp/debian_release*
/tmp/debian_release_mail /tmp/debian_release_www
$ cat /tmp/script
echo "`hostname` says hello"
$ on servers exec /tmp/script
mail says hello
www says hello
$ on --help
on [options] host_list [as remote_user] command
on host_list list
do "some; commands and -options"
get /remote/file [/local/file]
put /local/file [/remote/file]
exec /local/file ["some args"]*
on executes "command" on one or more hosts defined by host_list.
host_list is a list of host names separated by spaces. A host_list
can also contain host_groups which will be expanded first. A
host_group declaration will override a host of the same name. See
CONFIGURATION below for host_group.
The hosts can not be named "as", "do", "get", "put", "exec", "term"
or "list". In case you use such names you need to alias them through
a host_group.
The command is allways executed sequentially, one host after the other.
remote_user is not allowed to contain any metacharacters such as spaces.
on is only really usefull if you distribute your ssh key to the
target hosts.
do will execute the commands and parameters passed to the
command as last parameter on the remote machines
get will copy the /remote/file from the given remote machines
onto the local machine. If /local/file is not given, then
the file will be copied to the same path as the remote file is.
Relative remote/file paths will be copied to relative paths
*starting from the current working directory*, same as scp would.
The files will be given a postfix consisting of the name of the
host the were fetched from.
put will copy the /local/file to given remote machines. If
/remote/file is not given, then the file will be copied to
the same path as /local/file. Since we're using scp to do
the copying, giving a /local/file with a relative path and
omitting the /remote/file the file will be put into the
relative path starting from the HOME directory!
exec will execute the given local file with the arguments that
follow on the remote machines
list will resolve the hosts - that is list the machines that
are part of the host_list. Useful for debugging your config.
term will open a terminal (shell) on each remote machine
-v be verbose on what on is doing (on which hosts!)
-i interactive - stdin from the terminal will be forwarded to the
remote session. Only available with the "exec" and "do" commands.
-f (as in force) ignore errors when executing the "do", "get", "put"
or "exec" commands. Just continue on the next host. Default is to
abort on error.
options for ssh, will be passed on as is to ssh like this:
ssh -o "SSH OPTIONS" ...
Something like this might come in handy, if not all host are
reachable all the time:
on -f -o "ConnectTimeout=5" all_machines do ...
-p prefix all output with hostname. Default is to display the output
(stdout) unchanged. This option does not apply to the "get" and
"put" commands.
--newline list newline separated instead of space separated
on will source ~/.on.config on startup. There you can define variables
that define host_groups. If f.ex. you have a ~/.on.config that contains:
my_servers="server1 server2"
then you can call on like this:
on my_servers do ls
Since ~/.on.config is being sourced, you can use bash scripting there
at will f.ex. to define groups of groups etc.
Note that the my_servers declatation will override a possibly existing
host with the strange name "my_servers".
If you want to reuse the host (and host group) definitions from ansible,
insert this into ~/.on.config:
ansible=$( ansible --list-hosts all | tail -n +2 )
After that you can use the "ansible" group like this:
on ansible do ..
Alternatively you can filter hosts via ansible like this:
on $( ansible --list-hosts web_servers | tail -n +2 ) do ...
Where web_servers is some group you defined in the ansible inventory.
With that method you can use all the power of ansible's host filtering.
If you want to reuse the host groups from apt-dater, insert the
below into ~/.on.config. Prerequisites are an installed xmlstarlet and
a hosts.xml config file of apt-dater that has group names that also
work as variable names:
__on_apt_dater() {
local __cfg=~/.config/apt-dater/hosts.xml
# all hosts from apt-dater:
apt_dater=$( xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/hosts/group/host/@name" $__cfg )
local __groups=$( xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/hosts/group/@name" $__cfg )
local __h
for __h in $__groups; do
local __hosts=$( xmlstarlet sel -t -v "/hosts/group[@name='$__h']/host/@name" $__cfg )
eval "$__h=\"$__hosts\""
Setting DEBUG will execute on with the -x bash flag set.
Copyright © 2012-2018 Tomas Pospisek.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <http://gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html>.
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
Tomas Pospisek <tpo_deb@sourcepole.ch>