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Collection of scripts to run EEG data processing using EEGLAB in MATLAB


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This is a collection of scripts to perform essential preprocessing steps,
averaging and plotting of EEG (ERP) data using MATLAB and the EEGLAB toolbox.
The scripts are under current development with no guarantee of proper
functioning. The scripts are published in the hopes of helping people getting
started using EEGLAB and MATLAB to process EEG data (and for the sake of free
code). Currently works Brainvision Recorder and BioSemi raw Data. 

EEG data is processed per subject. Data of several subjects can be processed
in parallel using the parallel computing toolbox of MATLAB depending on your
resources. You will have to configure your parallel computing profiles (see:
and include the profile name in the config.m file.

I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen for providing
permission to publish the scripts. Many of the routines are based on her

Copyright (c) 2013 Martin Reiche, Carl-von-Ossietzky-University Oldenburg
Author: Martin Reiche,

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <>.

DEPENDENCIES: The following scripts and programs are needed for proper running
              of the scripts

Matlab       - with parallel computing toolbox for batch preprocessing
EEGLAB 13    - A Delorme & S Makeig (2004) EEGLAB: an open source toolbox 
               for analysis of single-trial EEG dynamics. 
               Journal of Neuroscience Methods 134:9-21 
bv-io        - can be installed via EEGLAB extension manager 
eeg_emcp     - Andreas Widmann (
firfilt 1.6  - Andreas Widmann (
eeg_rejdelta - Andreas Widmann (
RMAOV1       - Trujillo-Ortiz, A., R. Hernandez-Walls and
               R.A. Trujillo-Perez. (2004). RMAOV1:One-way repeated measures ANOVA. A
               MATLAB file. URL:


The analyses can be run in serial (normal) or in parallel mode. To run several
analysis subsequently in parallel mode locally on several cores or remotely on a 
cluster, you have to install the parallel computing toolbox of matlab and specify
the desired parallel profile (as in parallel > Select Configuration) in your config.m

in serial mode:     eeg_analysis(task_type,[numbers of subjects])
in parallel mode:   eeg_analysis(taskType,[numbers of subjects],'parallelMethod')

task_type:          1 - simply passive EEG paradigm: no subject responses 
                        triggers included

                    2 - active task: including response triggers and evaluating
	                hit vs. miss events

subject_numbers:    vector of subject numbers to include in the analysis

'parallelMethod':   'submitJob' - submit prprocessing job to cluster
                    'getJob' - retrieve preprocessed job data from cluster
                    'plot' - omit preprocessing and plot processed data

- config (central configuration file)
- triggerlabels.m (configuratiuon of trigger labels)
- channelInterp.m (configuration of to-be-interpolated channels for given subjects)

- the whole preprocessing procedure for brainvision recorder and BioSemi data
- plotting of ERP data in 'electrode array' and 'statistics' mode
- running t-test or running one-way RMANOVA with FDR correction over given  
  range of data-points
- Cluster mode (run analysis on a remote HPC cluster)

- plotting of voltage maps and SCD maps
- statistical testing
  - RMANOVA for predefined statistical factors
- several plot callback functions

The analysis sequence is carried out roughly in the same order:


Meta script which controls the whole analysis process. 

Main configuration file. Nearly all analysis parameters, filter settings, path
configurations and plotting options are adjusted here.

Configuration file for the trigger settings. Here the triggers are
co-registered with the condition labels. Several other options are available
like color indices for plotting per trigger or line style options. The
triggers are also assigned to pools determining which triggers the number of
epochs for averaging if analysis.equalErp=1. The trigger with the least
available epochs per subject determines the number of epochs which get
averaged for the other triggers in the same pool. Also controls retriggering
of original trigger codes in the retrigger section of the file: Each trigger
specified in the left column of the cell will be replaced with the trigger in
the right column of the corresponding line of the retrigger cell.

Determine interpolation parameters for given channels in given subjects
for passive and active task.

Determines the whole preprocessing sequence per subject and returns
preprocessed subject data.

Prepares result folder for subject and returns its path.

Check if all requested raw Data is available and prepare path
specification for the current subject.

Load raw EEG data file using EEGLAB. Currently loads BIOSIG and Brainvision
Recorder raw files. Needs to be adjusted for other raw data types.

Part a given EEG structure for files specified in paths.partFile at sampling
point specified in paths.partFile. Example: this routine can be used if two
blocks of the experiment are accidentally saved in the same file. In this case
the raw file gets loaded as many times as blocks are contained within it which
then get split at the given sampling points in paths.partFile.

Check the currently loaded raw data file for sampling rate, triggercodes and
trigger latencies. If BioSig raw data is used, all triggers are converted to
strings for further preprocessing steps.

Changes triggers at start of block to exclude them from the analysis,
change target triggers to hit vs. miss targets and exclude events in
predefined ranges around triggers and response trials. 

Bipolarize upper and lower eye channel to vertical EOG and lateral eye
channels to vertical EOG. Specify eye channels in config.m in the following
order {'LO1', 'LO2', 'SO1', 'IO1'}

Set cannel locations to desired coordinates. Specify the coordinate file
in config.m under paths.elecSetup

Interpolate channels specified in channelInterp.m as follows: the 1st column
indicates the subject number. The second column indicates the electrode which
is to be interpolated. If the electrode is given as a string the interpolation
will be carried out before epoching over the whole block file [specified in
the 3rd column] (for example if you want to interpolate a channel because it
was broken and you already noticed while recording). If the channel is given
as numerical number, the interpolation is carried out after epoching on the
files which hold the same trigger [specified in the 3rd column] (for example
if you see that lots of epoches were rejected because of bad data on the given


3,   62, [501 503]; subject 3, channel number 62 on trigger types: 501 & 503
6, 'P4',        16; subject 6, channel P4 in block file number 16

Perform filtering as specified in config.m. Depending on the rejection method
there are several different filtering routines: if eye correction is enabled,
the data gets filtered twice. The first time the block file gets filtered with
a bandpass (usually 0.1 - 100 Hz [crucial part is the 0.1 high-pass]) and a
second filter is applied after all data (per subject) was merged into one
file and the eye correction was performed. The filter application should lead
to the final desired filter band (eg. if the desired filter band is 0.1 - 30
Hz the first filter would be a 0.1 - 100 Hz band pass filter and the second
filter would be a 30 Hz low pass filter)

Segmenting the epochs as specified by the triggers in triggerlabels.m. If
eye-correction is enabled the segmentation is applied on the whole
concatenated data of the current subject. For all other rejection methods they
segmentation is applied on the block files separately.

For all rejection methods except eye-correction: merge all saved eeg files
containing data of the same trigger type.

If eye-correction is enabled: concatenate all block files (regardless of
trigger types); run eye correction and apply second filter on the whole data.
[segmentation is in this case carried out afterwards in the scope of

Performs artifact rejection, forms average and returns ERPs for given subject.
The script returns the end product of the preprocessing step for each
subject. This contains the ERP structure, the ERP structure with averages
formed by an equal amount epochs per pool as indicated in triggerlabels.m
number of corrected and rejected trials etc.

Get indices for rejected trials per subject and trigger from former
rejection procedure.

Combines all the subject related data from the preprocessing (which gets stored
in sliced variable because of the parallel preprocessing per subject) in one
big ERP structure and calculate usable data. 

If the current ERP file already exists, the user will be asked whether to use
the existing result file or to create a new one. If the existing result file
is used, the ERP data of the existing subjects will be replaced by the newly
processed data and the meta data of the current analysis will be saved
additionally resulting in a structure array were each structure of the array
represents the meta data of the separate analyses.

the output ERP structure contains:

- subTrialInd: trial indices for equal amount of trials per trigger group (for
     each subject and each trigger) 
- corrTrials: number of correct trials per subject and trigger
- eventCount: number of overall trials per subject and trigger
- trialNum: number of trials per trigger group for each subject
- meta: meta data for each analysis, containing:
  - number of subjects
  - analysis duration
  - date of analysis
  - EEGLAB version
  - and machine on which on which analysis was run
  - cluster configuration
- analysis: analysis parameters of each analysis 
- paths: paths configuration of each analysis
- trig: trigger setup of each analysis
- filtPar: filter parameters of each analysis
- erpAll: ERP Data of all the subjects (combined from several analysis)
- erpAllEqual: ERP Data of all the subjects (combined from several analysis)
     with equal amount of epochs per subject and per trigger pool as indicated
     in triggerlabels.m
- rejEpochs: cell array for indices of rejected epochs 
- chanlocs: channel locations (taken from EEG structure of last analysis)

Asks the user wich of the processed files to read. Reads in the Data and
calculates the difference waves as specified in triggerlabels.m and performs
the baseline correction if enabled.

Perform rereferencing before
calculation of difference waves and plotting procedure. Can be
enabled and disabled in config by variable analysis.reref. New
reference channel is specified in variale analysis.rerefChan. If
several channels are specified as reference channel, the
rereferencing will be carried out against the average of the
specied rereference channels.

Takes erpAll data and performs baseline correction if analysis.rmBase is
enabled in config.m

Handles all plotting routines. There are two different plotting modes:
'electrode array' and 'statistics'. In 'electrode array' several channels are
plotted in an array (dimensions determined by lib/getDisp.m according to
number of channels to plot). In 'statistics' mode curves on one given channel
are plotted together with an amplitude bar plot for each figure which shows
the average amplitude within the specified component windows. 

Figures can be configured either in config.m in the cell arrays
plotPar.plotConds and plotPar.plotCondsStat for 'electrode array' and
'statistics' mode respectively or interactively using the GUI plotting
functions embedded in already processed figures. 

Example: Plotting two plots in one figure next to each other and another
figure with only one plot with several different curves per plot in
'statistics' mode. The curve names are equivalent to the trigger labels as
specified in triggerlabels.m

plotCondsStat{plotNumber,figureNumber} = {'Curve-1','Curve-2','Curve-3',[task

plotPar.plotCondsStat{1,1} = {'standard-1','standard-2','standard-3',[1 2]};
plotPar.plotCondsStat{2,1} = {'deviant-1','standard-2',[1 2]};
plotPar.plotCondsStat{1,2} = {'difference-1','difference-2',[1 2]};

plotPar.plotCondsStatCol = [2 2];			       

plotPar.plotCondsStatCol determines which color indices to use for plotting as
indicated in the 4th and 5th column of the trigger matrix in triggerlabels.m
1 = same color per type [within condition comparison]
2 = same color per condition [across condition comparison]

In the 'statistics' mode the averaged data of each component window in each
plot can be saved using the 'save data' button.

Calculate plotting parameters (numbers of columns or rows depending on
different input parameters) for example number of subjects or number of

Get the maximal y Scale values for one figure

Returns given number of distinguishable colors by variing the "Hue" value
in the HSV color space and keeping constant the "Stauration" and "Value"
parameters. HSV values are then converted to RGB space and returned.

Takes a Matrix of ERP Data (line represent sampling points, columns
represent curves). Depending on the columns, plots the curves in one plot
with predefined colours, adds labels and adjusts the graphics.

Function called by SubplotCallback. Plots single channel ERP with
statistics when clicked on a subplot.

Perform running one-way ANOVA over each time point at given Channel and return
significance index over a predefined time range (default: whole time range of
epoch, see config.m to adjust time range [plotPar.runningStatWin]). Output
vector [sigInt] contains indices of datapoints which reach significance
according to fdr with diven q value (plotPar.alpha) in config.m

Perform one way repeated measures analysis of variance RMANOVA. Takes
Data in matrix form where lines represent the subjects with the data of
severeal factors represented by columns.

Perform within-subjects linear contrast analysis (linear trend test). Takes
Data in matrix form where lines represent the subjects with the data of
severeal factors represented by columns. Returns P-value for given data.

Takes vector of P-values and a given q-value and returns significance
threshold based on false discovery rate. The q value is equal to the alpha
value. Can be adjusted in config.m (see plotPar.alpha)

Handles drawing of significant intervals in ERP plot. Can be called several
times to draw different intervals with different given color consecutively.

This function takes subjects X trigger X sample data and plots
one separate line for each subject in one plot per trigger type to
plot single subject ERPs per trigger


Collection of scripts to run EEG data processing using EEGLAB in MATLAB







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