Trackmage - Get Branded Tracking Page for your ecommerce store. WooCommerce shipment tracking plugin for WordPress
Download plugin from WordPress.org
Your Beautiful, Branded, Highly Customizable TrackMage Tracking Page.
Provide your customers with proactive email updates.
TrackMage has pre-configured email notifications for all of the typical shipment statuses and related events.
When your customer receives their package, the system will automatically ask them to leave a review.
Depending on how high their review score was, your customer support team will be notified and you will be able to react accordingly.
No Strings Attached, No Credit Card Required - Try TrackMage now.
And btw, if you are just starting out, there is Forever Free plan with 100 Parcels Per Month.
composer install
npm install
npm run build
Add this to wp-config.php to change the api domain:
define('TRACKMAGE_API_DOMAIN', 'https://api.test.trackmage.com');
define('TRACKMAGE_APP_DOMAIN', 'https://app.test.trackmage.com');
git clone https://github.com/woocommerce/wc-smooth-generator.git
cd wc-smooth-generator/
composer install
docker run -it --rm --volumes-from wpbrowser_wp --network container:wpbrowser_wp wordpress:cli-php7.2 \
wp plugin activate wc-smooth-generator
docker run -it --rm --volumes-from wpbrowser_wp --network container:wpbrowser_wp wordpress:cli-php7.2 \
wp wc generate products 2
docker run -it --rm --volumes-from wpbrowser_wp --network container:wpbrowser_wp wordpress:cli-php7.2 \
wp wc generate orders 100 --date-start=2020-04-01 --date-end=2020-11-15
- Start the db server
docker stop wp_test_mysql || true \
&& docker rm wp_test_mysql || true
docker run --name wp_test_mysql -d \
-p \
-e MYSQL_USER=wordpress \
-e MYSQL_USER_PWD=wordpress \
-e MYSQL_USER_DB=wp_site \
--restart unless-stopped \
Local commands:
export PHP_VERSION=7.4
make init
make test
vendor/bin/codecept run wpunit,unit,functional,acceptance
XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=PhpStorm1" vendor/bin/codecept run wpunit tests/wpunit/Synchronization/OrderSyncTest.php
vendor/bin/codecept clean
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml down
Manual deployment to wordpress.org
make build
CI_SERVER=yes WP_ORG_USERNAME=trackmage WP_ORG_PASSWORD= GIT_TAG=v1.0.0 bin/deploy.sh