A utility script written in Python that that automatically scans for aseprite files and synchronises png exports.
$ ./aseprite-exporter.py --help
usage: aseprite-exporter.py [-h] [--path PATH] [--ase-dir ASE_DIR] [--png-dir PNG_DIR] [--hashfile HASHFILE] [--live-update] [--preview] [--nopretty]
Automatically exports aseprite files
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--path PATH base path of directories that contain asset files
--ase-dir ASE_DIR directory containing .ase source files, relative to --path
--png-dir PNG_DIR directory containing .png export files, relative to --path
--hashfile HASHFILE path to the file dedicated to storing the file hashes
--live-update enable a mode where the script will continuously wait for file changes
--preview preview changes without writing to any files
--nopretty don't use fancy formatting