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James Robert Somers edited this page Mar 6, 2018 · 2 revisions

First create a TradeItOrder object to encapsulate the user's intended trade:

TradeItOrderParcelable order = new TradeItOrderParcelable(linkedBrokerAccount, "GE"); // by default it is a market order, quantity: 1, action: buy, expiration: good for day
order.setAction("buy"); // Check order capabilities for valid values
order.setPriceType("limit"); // Check order capabilities for valid values
order.setExpiration("gtc"); // Check order capabilities for valid values

Then preview the order:

    new TradeItCallback<TradeItPreviewStockOrEtfOrderResponse>() {
        public void onSuccess(TradeItPreviewStockOrEtfOrderResponse response) {
            // Present the order preview info to the user and prompt them to submit the trade

        public void onError(TradeItErrorResult error) {
            //an error occured

Finally, submit the order:

String orderId = response.orderId; // get the orderId from the previewResponse
    new TradeItCallback<TradeItPlaceStockOrEtfOrderResponse>() {
        public void onSuccess(TradeItPlaceStockOrEtfOrderResponse placeOrderResponse) {
            // Successfully placed the order. Display returned order info to the user.

        public void onError(TradeItErrorResult error) {
            // an error occured
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