This repository contains a range of digital vector boundary layers covering Greater Manchester and Trafford:
- Combined Authority (2017, 2023)
- Local Authority (2016, 2021, 2023)
- Electoral Ward (2017, 2022, 2023)
- Middle Layer Super Output Area (2011, 2021)
- Lower-layer Super Output Area (2011, 2021)
- Output Areas (2011, 2021)
- Trafford Council defined custom geographies (2022, 2023, 2024)
Each digital vector boundary layer is available in both polygon and polyline versions in the following resolutions:
- Full resolution
- Generalised (20m)
- Super generalised (200m) or Ultra generalised (500m)
It is recommended that high resolution layers are used for geospatial operations e.g. point in polygon and lower resolution layers for interactive maps.
Maps using these boundaries must include the following copyright statement: "Contains National Statistics and OS data © Crown copyright and database right [YYYY]"
Town centre locations in Trafford, council locally defined boundaries and a lookup for matching different statistical geographies are also included.