react-fiber is my self-study project help me understand how react work. In fact, all �codebase re-implement each step , so it looks similar to the source code of react. Though, I think it's still smaller and easier to understand than when you actually read the react source code. I hope it helpful for people who want to start learn how react fiber work.
- Single linked list, Circular linked list
- Simple stack and queue
- Recursive
- Structural sharing
- Reconciliation
- Scheduler
- Bitwise Operators
- React Components, Elements, and Instances
- Design Principles
- React Fiber resources
- The how and why on React’s usage of linked list in Fiber to walk the component’s tree
- In-depth explanation of state and props update in React
- Lin Clark - A Cartoon Intro to Fiber - React Conf 2017
- A look inside React Fiber
- Build your own React Fiber
- React Fiber Architecture @acdlite and React Fiber Architecture @SaeedMalikx
Inside Fiber: in-depth overview of the new reconciliation algorithm in React
work (unitOfWork): A component, node element => fiber
current: Current fiber what is displayed on browser
WIP (workInProgress): New fiber tree we will build
fiber: {
type: string | Function ('div', 'span', function Button)
instanceNode: HTMLElement (div, span)
return: fiber (parent of fiber)
child: fiber (child of fiber)
sibling: fiber (sibling of fiber)
alternate: link current - WIP and WIP - current
effectTag: number (give we know what will happen this fiber)
main function:
Render -> Reconciler -> Scheduler ->
Begin Work (build fiber tree) -> ChildReconciler(create child and effectTag) -> if work has child we will continue to run beginWork -> no child ->
Complete Work (build list effect, mark tag and create instanceNode) -> sibling has child -> turn back Begin Work -> no child -> Complete Work -> no sibling -> has a new tree with effect tag ->
Commit Work : It will base on list effect tag to commit each fiber (Placement, Update, Delete, Lifecycle)
// In first render current fiber is null.
// current is workInProgress when commit
Do something ->
Get current Fiber what corresponding to the component ->
Recursive to find Root ->
Clone fiber from root to component has update ->
Begin Work from this fiber (it's maybe clone fiber when children of component use memo, pure component or use shouldComponentUpdate) ->
Complete Work ->
Commit Work
Hooks are stored as a linked list on the fiber's prevState field of fiber.
current tree - current hook <=> WIP - WIP hook