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🏡 A monorepo with publicly published TypeScript utils that we can re-use in our different projects. Not recommended for use outside Transloadit. No SemVer guarantees. Use at own Risk.


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🏡 monolib

An internal monorepo with publicly published single-file TypeScript utils that we can re-use across our different projects.

It's the home to many small functions that just don't belong.

For example, Uppy has its own way of reporting bytes. We moved that function here, so now we can easily add it to our node-sdk, API, and content repo where React would be outputting bytes in /c/.

Modules are public so they can be re-used without configuring registries and setting tokens for anybody consuming them. This allows the modules to be used in e.g. Uppy or the Node SDK.

While the world can consume the modules, this is mostly to make life easier for us, we won't encourage people to use these modules in their own projects. We may break SemVer with no regard to external projects. Hence, the license is AGPL-3.0-only, and we add unwelcoming READMEs with disclaimers to the modules.


  • Bundle a test with your function
  • Pure functions only please


Module Example Result
@transloadit/abbr abbr('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet', 10, ' .. ')) 'Lor .. met'
@transloadit/analyze-step analyzeStep({ robot: '/image/resize', width: '75', height: '75' }, ROBOTS) 'Resize images to 75×75'
@transloadit/enrich-tweet await enrichTweet(TWEET) The text of the tweet, linked, short URLs expanded
@transloadit/file-exists await fileExists('foo.jpg') true
@transloadit/format-duration-ms formatDurationMs(10000000) '2h46m40s'
@transloadit/post $ post [subdir] Asks questions and creates a markdown post, by default in subdir ./_posts
@transloadit/pr pr({ a: 1 }) Dumps {a: 1} on the console, used for debugging
@transloadit/prd prd({ a: 1 }) Dumps {a: 1} on the console and exits program, used for debugging
@transloadit/prettier-bytes prettierBytes(235555520) '225 MB'
@transloadit/slugify slugify('--This is My App !~') 'this-is-my-app'
@transloadit/sort-object sortObject({b: 'a', a: 'b'}) {a: 'b', b: 'a'}
@transloadit/sort-object-by-prio sortObjectByPrio({b: 'a', a: 'b'}, {_: ['b']}) {b: 'a', a: 'b'}
@transloadit/sort-assembly sortAssembly(ASSEMBLY_OBJECT) Sorted Assembly Object
@transloadit/sort-result-meta sortResultMeta(ASSEMBLY_RESULT_META_OBJECT) Sorted Assembly Object
@transloadit/sort-result sortResult(ASSEMBLY_RESULT_OBJECT) Sorted Assembly Object


How to consume these functions?

In your project, type:

# yarn
yarn add @transloadit/analyze-step

# npm
npm i @transloadit/analyze-step --save-exact

How to check out this repo locally?

cd code
git clone
cd monolib
git pull

How to add functions?

  • Easiest is run make new (this will ask for the new module name (e.g. prd), then duplicate ./template-package to a directory in ./packages/<name> and replace any replace-me or replaceMe respectively)
  • Traverse into ./packages/<name>/ and yarn add whichever dependency you need like you would normally
  • Write your function & test (yarn test:watch)
  • Add an example to the table in this
  • Commit
  • Run yarn pub to publish (that's an alias to lerna publish)

How to run tests?

make test-watch

# yarn
yarn test:watch

# npm
npm run test:watch

How do I publish these packages?

First make your changes and push them to the repository. There is no need to create git tags or any other versioning vehicles. Lerna handles this automatically.

Make sure you have push rights for the main branch of this repository.

Log in to the NPM registry via npm:

npm login

Publish the packages with Lerna:

yarn pub

How to iterate quickly inside a consuming project without publishing 100 versions?

$ cd ~/code/monolib/packages/analyze-step
$ yarn link
yarn link v1.22.4
success Registered "@transloadit/analyze-step".
info You can now run `yarn link "@transloadit/analyze-step"` in the projects where you want to use this package and it will be used instead.
Done in 0.04s.

$ cd ~/code/content
$ yarn link @transloadit/analyze-step
yarn link v1.22.4
success Using linked package for "@transloadit/analyze-step".
Done in 0.04s.


🏡 A monorepo with publicly published TypeScript utils that we can re-use in our different projects. Not recommended for use outside Transloadit. No SemVer guarantees. Use at own Risk.





