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Jaap Baak edited this page Jan 1, 2022 · 5 revisions


PTSKIM is a frequency based transit skimming and assignment model, based on the article by Gentile et al. [1], for the case of deterministic headways. The model allows for strict capacity constraints and crowding modelling according to the article by Wardman and Whelan [4]. It is a console application that reads its settings from a control file, that is passed as a command line argument.


  1. Gentile, G., Nguyen, S., Pallottino, S. (2005). Route choice on transit networks with online information at stops. Transportation Science 39 (3), 289–297
  2. De Cea, J., Fernández, E. (1993). Transit Assignment for Congested Public Transport Systems: An Equilibrium Model. Transportation science 27 (2), 133–147.
  3. Spiess, H., Florian, M. (1989). Optimal strategies: A new assignment model for transit networks. Transportation Research – Part B 23 (2), 83–102.
  4. Wardman, M., G.A. Whelan (2011). 20 Years or railway crowding valuation studies: evidence and lessons from British experience.Transport Reviews, 31, 379-398.


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