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30 Day Vanilla JavaScript Challenge - Visit for more info.

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30 Day Vanilla JavaScript Challenge

The purpose of the challenge is to build unique, JavaScript Program each day. No pre-processors or frameworks.


Please visit JavaScript30 for more information.

Day 1 - JavaScript Drum Kit

Learning Experience

From this project, I have learned two new materials.

  1. Data attributes

Data attributes allow coder to create any keys by putting <data> in front. This project uses data attributes to connect the audio to the div.

  1. Transitionend

Transitionend is an event that fired when a CSS trantion has completed. This project uses transitionend to remove the border of the keys.

Day 2 - CSS + JS Clock

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of transforms vs. transitions and the usage of the object Date.

Transforms: Allows elements styled to be transformed in 2D or 3D space. In this project, transforms was used to allow the hands to rotate on its origin rather its midpoint.

Transitions: Allows property changes in CSS to occur smoothly over a specified duration. In this project, transitions was used to allow the hands to move from one degree to another.

Date: In this project, Date was called as a constructor as well as use serials of methods i.e <getSeconds()>, <getMinutes()>, <getHours()>

Day 3 - Playing with CSS Variables and JS

Learning Experience

From this project, I have learned:

  1. <this.dataset> is a read-only property of HTML element that provides read/write access to custom data attributes. <this.dataset> return an object.

Day 4 - Array Cardio Day 1

Learning Experience

Filer The filter method creates a new array that pass the text implemented by the function.

.filter((element, index, array) =>{

}, thisArg)

Map The map method creates a new array with the results of calling a provided function on each element.

.map((element, index, array) =>{


Sort The sort method sorts the element of an array in place and return a sorted array.

.sort((firstEl, secondEl) => {

} )

Reduce The reduce method executes a user-supplied 'reducer' callback function.

.reduce((previousValue, currentValue, currentIndex, array) => {
}, initialValue)

Day 5 - Flex Panel Gallery

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of flexbox and learned another way to use transition.

New terms learned:

Flex is a CSS shorthand property that sets how an flex item will grow or shrink to fit the container.

translateY is a function that repositions an element vertically on a 2D plan.

Day 6 - Ajax Type Ahead

Learning Experience

From this project, I have learned the object RegExp.

RegExp / Regular Expressions is used for matching text with a pattern.

Syntax for RegExp: </pattern/modifiers>

Modifiers includes:

  • "g" : Perform global match
  • "i" : Perform case-insentive matching
  • "m" : Perform multiline matching

Day 7 - Array Cardio Day 2

Learning Experience

Some The some method tests whether at least one element in the array pass the test implemented.

.some((element, index, array) =>{


Every The every method tests whether all elements in the array pass the test implemented.

.every((element, index, array) =>{


Find The find method returns the value of the first element that satisfies the provided testing function. If no values satify, underfinded is returned.

.find((element, index, array) =>{


FindIndex The findIndex method returns the index of the first elementt that satisfies the provided testing function. If no element satify, -1 is returned.

.findIndex((element, index, array) =>{


Day 8 - Fun with HTML5 Canvas

Learning Experience

getContext The getContext method returns a drawing context on the canvas.

let ctx = canvas.getContext(contextType, contextAttributes);


  • is a property of canvas 2D to determine the shape used to join two line.
ctx.lineJoin = "bevel" || "round" || "miter";


  • is a property of canvas 2D to determine the shape used to draw the end points of lines.
ctx.lineCap = "butt" || "round" || "square";

Day 9 - Dev Tools Domination

Learning Experience

From this project, I have learned different methods to the console object.

<console.assert> - log a message if the first arguement is false.

<console.clear> - clear the console

<console.count> - log the time the line is being called

<> - create an new inline group

<> - informative logging of information.

<console.time> - starts a timer with a name specified as an input parameter.

Day 10 - Hold Shift and Check Checkboxes

Learning Experience

One big take away from this project is the function <this> keyword.

<this> is a reference to an object and in strict mode.

Day 11 - Custom Video Player

Learning Experience

From this project, I learned to word with mp3 files / HTML Media Element.


var isPaused = audioOrVideo.paused

Day 12 - Key Sequence Detection

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of <e.key>.

<e.key> - is a read-only property that returns the valus of the key pressed by the user.

Day 13 - Slide in on Scroll

Learning Experience

From this project, I learned the following term and concepts:

<debounce> - is a function that makes the code is only triggered once per user input. This is useful in search box-suggestions, text-field auto saves and image scroll in.

<offsetTop> - is a read-oly property that returns the distance of the outer border of the current element relative to the inner border of the top of the offset parent node.

Day 14 - JS References VS Coding

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of creating a copy of an array and object.

Day 15 - LocalStorage and Event Delegation

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of local storage and learned the following: event delegation.

Instead of attaching event listeners directly to the buttons, you delegate the listening to the parent.

Day 16 - CSS Text Shadow Mouse Move Effect

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of x and y values and then convert it to text shadow pixals.

Day 17 - Sorting Band Names without Articles

Learning Experience

From this project, I learned RegExp to ignore articles to return a sorted list.

.replace(/^(a |the |an)/i, '').trim()

RegExp is an object that is used for matching text with a pattern.

<trim>: is a method the removes whitespace from both ends of a string.

Day 18 - Adding Up Times with Reduce

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of the reduce method.

One thing to watch out is whether the function will return a node list or an array.

Day 19 - Webcam Fun

Learning Experience

<.getUserMedia()> method prompts the user for permission to use a media input.

<.toDataURL()> method return a data URI containing a representation of the image.

Day 20 - Speech Detection

Learning Experience

SpeechRecognition is the controller interface for the recognition service.

Day 21 - Geolocation

Learning Experience

Goelocation allows the user to provide their location to web applications.

Day 22 - Follow Along Links

Learning Experience

<Element.getBoundingClientRect()> is a method that returns a DOMRect object providing information about the size of an element and its position relative to the viewport.

Day 23 - Speech Synthesis

Learning Experience

SpeechSynthesisUtterance is a Web Speech API represent a speech request.

<.bind> is a method that crates a new function that, when called, has its this keyword set to the provided value.


Day 24 - Sticky Nav

Learning Experience

From this project, I solidify my understanding of the creating a sticky nav with only javascript and css.

Day 25 - Event Capture, Propagation, Bubbling and Once

Learning Experience

<once> is a function that is used in conditions where we want a particular function to be executed only a single time.

<bubbling> is when an event happens on an element, it first runs the handlers on it, and then on its parents, then its ancestors

Day 26 - Stripe Follow Along Nav

Learning Experience

This project is a continuation of Day 22 - following allow links.

Day 27 - Click and Drag

Learning Experience

<e.papeX> is a read only property of the mouseevent interface returns the X horizontal coordinate in pixels at which the mouse was clicked.


30 Day Vanilla JavaScript Challenge - Visit for more info.






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