Arduino library for reading TSIC temperature sensors
This library reads temperature values from several TSIC sensor types (TSIC 206/306/506/516/716). It uses interrupts to decode the ZACwire protocol used by the sensors and supports methods for reading temperature values in several scales (Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin)
The TsicSensor library uses following classes:
selects a temperature scale (Celsius/Fahrenheit/Kelvin) for thetryGetTempValue()
defines the type of the used TSIC sensor (TSIC_206,TSIC_306,TSIC_316,TSIC_506,TSIC_516,TSIC_716)TsicSensor
this is the sensor class used to read the temperature values.
To create a sensor instance (the library supports up to 4 instances at the same time) use a call to the
TsicSensor::create(byte input_pin, byte vcc_pin, TsicType type)
This initializes a TSIC 506 sensor with the signal pin at GPIO 16 and the Vcc pin at GPIO 25:
TsicSensor* sensor1 = TsicSensor::create(16, 25, TsicType::TSIC_506);
Or use TsicExternalVcc
for the vcc_pin parameter if the sensor is powered with an external Vcc:
TsicSensor* sensor2 = TsicSensor::create(17, TsicExternalVcc, TsicType::TSIC_506);
The newly created sensor instances can now be used to read temperature values in several scales, e.g.:
float temperature = sensor1->getTempCelsius();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Creates and initializes a new sensor instance with the given type and input/vcc pins.
// * Use "TsicExternalVcc" for the "vcc_pin" parameter if the sensor is connected directly to Vcc.
// * A maximum of 4 instances can be operated at the same time.
// * Returns a pointer to a sensor instance (or "nullptr" if the operation failed).
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
static TsicSensor* create(byte input_pin, byte vcc_pin, TsicType type);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Returns the latest temperature value in °C (waits up to 100ms for sensor initialization, if needed).
// * Returns "-273.15" if the read was not successful.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float getTempCelsius();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Returns the latest temperature value in °F (waits up to 100ms for sensor initialization, if needed).
// * Returns "-459.67" if the read was not successful.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float getTempFahrenheit();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Returns the latest temperature value in °K (waits up to 100ms for sensor initialization, if needed).
// * Returns "0.0" if the read was not successful.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
float getTempKelvin();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * Gets the latest temperature value in °C/°F/°K.
// * (waits up to 100ms for sensor initialization, if needed).
// * Returns "true" if the read was successful, "false" otherwise.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool tryGetTempValue(float* value, TsicScale scale);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// * If the sensor is connected directly to Vcc, it sends its values 10 times per second.
// * This function returns "true" if the received temperature value has changed since the last call to
// * one of the "*getTemp*()" functions.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool newValueAvailable();