Canvas drawing lib to visualize e.g. SDR pulse data. For an example open and drop your pulse data text in.
Supported SDR pulse data text files with extensions of:
- .ook
- .fsk
- .ask
- .psk
- .txt
Supported RfRaw text files with extensions of:
- .rfraw
All comments and suggestions very welcome.
If you like to give feedback:
- Is this useful to you? Why not, what is missing?
- Is this bundled in a useful way? Do you want the lib hosted on a CDN?
- Would you like to upload your samples to share by URL?
- Would you like to embed uploaded samples in e.g. a blog?
- Would you like to see more features, like timing guides, ...?
See example.html
on how to set up the canvas and load data.
import { Pulseplot } from 'pulseplot'
const pulseplot = new Pulseplot({
parent: '.pulseplot',
data: { /*...*/ },
The API is detailed in
- Setup dependencies:
npm install
- Compile and hot-reload for development:
npm run serve
- Compile and minify for production:
npm run build
- Lint and fix files:
npm run lint
Copyright (C) 2019-2025 Christian W. Zuckschwerdt
Unless otherwise noted all sources are:
License: GPL-2+