This repository contains a Timer Game project built with React, demonstrating the use of advanced React concepts such as useRef, ref forwarding, useImperativeHandle, and portals. The project serves as a practical example of how to apply these concepts in a real-world application, specifically a timing-based game.
The Timer Game challenges players to stop a timer as close to a specified time as possible. Players enter their name and choose from four difficulty levels:
- Easy (1 second)
- Not Easy (5 seconds)
- Getting Tough (10 seconds)
- Pros Only (15 seconds)
The closer the player stops the timer to the target time, the higher their score.
- Accessing DOM Elements: The useRef hook is used to directly interact with and manipulate DOM elements, such as the timer display. This allows for efficient and direct updates without triggering re-renders.
- Passing Refs to Child Components: Ref forwarding allows parent components to pass refs to their children, enabling direct manipulation of child components.
- Exposing Custom APIs: The useImperativeHandle hook defines custom methods that parent components can call, providing a controlled API for interaction.
- Rendering Outside the Main DOM Tree: React portals render components outside the main DOM hierarchy, useful for modals and overlays.
- Name Entry: Players can enter their name before starting the game.
- Timer Levels: Four difficulty levels with different target times (1, 5, 10, and 15 seconds).
- Scoring System: Players earn points based on how close they stop the timer to the target time.
- Modal Display: Game results and scores are shown in a modal, rendered using React portals.
- Keyboard Interaction: The modal can be closed via the ESC key for enhanced user experience.
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone
Navigate to the project directory:
cd timer-game
Install dependencies:
npm install
Start the development server:
npm start