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1. Getting Started

Andrew edited this page Nov 14, 2021 · 3 revisions


To add the moncli package to your project, simply execute the following command within your Python 3 environment using pip. Please note that this package is only available for Python 3

$ pip3 install moncli

Configuring the Client

It is recommended that the API key can also be set globally using the following code.

import moncli
moncli.api.api_key = api_key_v2

In the case to where you must access multiple accounts within a single application scope, the API key may be set directly to the MondayClient via the api_key property.

from moncli import client
client.api_key = api_key_v2

In addition, if you find that requests going to the API time out due to environmental issues, extend the timeout using the connnection_timeout property as shown below:

moncli.api.connection_timeout = 30

Please note that standard requests have a default timeout of 10 seconds while file upload requests have a default timeout of 5 minutes.

The MondayClient object is the entry point for all client activities and includes functionality for board, item, tag, and user management.

The api_key_v1 and api_key_v2 parameters represent the user/account API access keys and can be found by navigating to https://<your_instance_name> and copying both the API v1 (personal or company) and API v2 keys.

Additional information regarding MondayClient properties/methods can be found in the MondayClient section below.

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