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Apache POI Excel parser plugin for Embulk

Parses Microsoft Excel files(xls, xlsx) read by other file input plugins.
This plugin uses Apache POI.


  • Plugin type: parser
  • Guess supported: no
  • Embulk 0.9 or earlier


  type: any file input plugin type
    type: poi_excel
    sheets: ["DQ10-orb"]
    skip_header_lines: 1	# first row is header.
    - {name: row, type: long, value: row_number}
    - {name: get_date, type: timestamp, cell_column: A, value: cell_value}
    - {name: orb_type, type: string}
    - {name: orb_name, type: string}
    - {name: orb_shape, type: long}
    - {name: drop_monster_name, type: string}

if omit value, specified cell_value.
if omit cell_column when value is cell_value, specified next column.


  • sheets: sheet name. can use wildcards *, ?. (list of string, required)
  • record_type: record type. (row, column or sheet. default: row)
  • skip_header_lines: skip rows when record_type=row (skip columns when record_type=column). ignored when record_type=sheet. (integer, default: 0)
  • columns: column definition. see below. (hash, required)
  • sheet_options: sheet option. see below. (hash, default: null)


  • name: Embulk column name. (string, required)
  • type: Embulk column type. (string, required)
  • value: value type. see below. (string, default: cell_value)
  • column_number: same as cell_column.
  • cell_column: Excel column number. see below. (string, default: next column when record_type=row)
  • cell_row: Excel row number. see below. (integer, default: next row when record_type=column)
  • cell_address: Excel cell address such as A1, Sheet1!B3. (string, not required)
  • numeric_format: format of numeric(double) to string such as %4.2f. (default: Java's Double.toString())
  • attribute_name: use with value cell_style, cell_font, etc. see below. (list of string)
  • on_cell_error: processing method of Cell error. see below. (string, default: constant)
  • formula_handling: processing method of formula. see below. (evaluate or cashed_value. default: evaluate)
  • on_evaluate_error: processing method of evaluate formula error. see below. (string, default: exception)
  • formula_replace: replace formula before evaluate. see below.
  • on_convert_error: processing method of convert error. see below. (string, default: exception)
  • search_merged_cell: search merged cell when cell is BLANK. (none, linear_search, tree_search or hash_search, default: hash_search)


  • cell_value: value in cell.

  • cell_formula: formula in cell. (if cell is not formula, same cell_value.)

  • cell_style: all cell style attributes. returned json string. see attribute_name. (type required string)

  • cell_font: all cell font attributes. returned json string. see attribute_name. (type required string)

  • cell_comment: all cell comment attributes. returned json string. see attribute_name. (type required string)

  • cell_type: cell type. returned Cell.getCellType() of POI.

  • cell_cached_type: cell cached formula result type. returned Cell.getCachedFormulaResultType() of POI when CellType==FORMULA, otherwise same as cell_type (returned Cell.getCellType()).

  • file_name: excel file name.

  • sheet_name: sheet name.

  • row_number: row number(1 origin).

  • column_number: column number(1 origin).

  • constant: constant value.

    • constant.value: specified value.
    • constant: null.


Basically used for record_type=row.

  • A,B,C,...: column number of "A1 format".
  • number: column number (1 origin).
  • +: next column.
  • +name: next column of name.
  • +number: number next column.
  • -: previous column.
  • -name: previous column of name.
  • -number: number previous column.
  • =: same column.
  • =name: same column of name.


Basically used for record_type=column.

  • number: row number (1 origin).


When value is cell_style, cell_font, or cell_comment, by default, it retrieves all attributes and converts them into a JSON string. (Since it returns a JSON string, the type must be string.)

    - {name: foo, type: string, cell_column: A, value: cell_style}

By specifying the attribute_name, it retrieves only the specified attributes and converts them into a JSON string.

  • attribute_name: attribute names. (list of string)
    - {name: foo, type: string, cell_column: A, value: cell_style, attribute_name: [border_top, border_bottom, border_left, border_right]}

Additionally, by appending a period after cell_style or cell_font and specifying the attribute name, you can retrieve only that attribute.
In this case, it won't result in a JSON string, and you need to specify the type that matches the attribute's type.

    - {name: foo, type: long, value: cell_style.border}
    - {name: bar, type: long, value: cell_font.color}

In cell_style and cell_font, if cell_column is omitted, it targets the same column as the previous one.
(In cell_value, omitting cell_column causes it to move to the next column.)


Processing method of Cell error (#DIV/0!, #REF!, etc).

    - {name: foo, type: string, cell_column: A, value: cell_value, on_cell_error: error_code}
  • constant: set null. (default)
  • constant.value: set specified value.
  • error_code: set error code.
  • exception: throw exception.


Processing method of formula.

    - {name: foo, type: string, cell_column: A, value: cell_value, formula_handling: cashed_value}
  • evaluate: evaluate formula. (default)
  • cashed_value: cashed value in cell.


Processing method of evaluate formula error.

    - {name: foo, type: string, cell_column: A, value: cell_value, on_evaluate_error: constant}
  • constant: set null.
  • constant.value: set specified value.
  • exception: throw exception. (default)


Replace formula before evaluate.

    - {name: foo, type: string, cell_column: A, value: cell_value, formula_replace: [{regex: aaa, to: "A${row}"}, {regex: bbb, to: "B${row}"}]}

${row} is replaced with the current row number. ${column} is replaced with the current column string.


Processing method of convert error. ex) Excel boolean to Embulk timestamp

    - {name: foo, type: timestamp, format: "%Y/%m/%d", cell_column: A, value: cell_value, on_convert_error: constant.9999/12/31}
  • constant: set null.
  • constant.value: set specified value.
  • exception: throw exception. (default)


Options of individual sheet.

    type: poi_excel
    sheets: [Sheet1, Sheet2]
    - {name: date, type: timestamp, cell_column: A}
    - {name: foo, type: string}
    - {name: bar, type: long}
        skip_header_lines: 1
          foo: {cell_column: B}
          bar: {cell_column: C}
        skip_header_lines: 0
          foo: {cell_column: D}
          bar: {value: constant.0}

sheet_options is map of sheet name.
Map values are skip_header_lines, columns.

columns is map of column name.
Map values are same columns in parser (excluding name, type).


  1. install plugin

    $ mvn dependency:get -Dartifact=io.github.hishidama.embulk:embulk-parser-excel-poi:0.2.0
  2. add setting to $HOME/.embulk/



$ ./gradlew test
$ ./gradlew package

Build to local Maven repository

./gradlew generatePomFileForMavenJavaPublication
mvn install -f build/publications/mavenJava/pom-default.xml
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal