An app made in AngularJS.
Shooter is an app for scoring shooting. In this first version we mainly focused on scoring the disipline Tjeneste pistol (TJ). Which is a dicipline consisting of two stages.
You need to engage two 25m pistol duel targets from a distance of 12.5 meters in 4 seconds. This is repeated 5 times with a pause of 7 seconds. You have two magazines, one with 6 rounds and one with 4 rounds forcing you to reload in one of the pauses. The stage concludes after shooting 10 rounds scoring a maximum of 100 points.
You need to engage 10 25m pistol duel targets from a distance of 12.5 meters in 15 seconds. You have two magazines each loaded with 5 rounds, forcing you to reload your pistol once within the 15 seconds. The stage concludes after shooting 10 rounds scoring a maximum of 100 points.
A TJ pistol match consists of 3 duel and 3 tempo stages, shooting 60 rounds scoring a maximum of 600 points.
Normally duel and tempo stages are scored shot and scored as one, scoring 30 shots at a time.