TODO: logo
Archetype is another attempt at IDL (interface description/definition language) inspired by Dhall configuration language.
Protocol/interface is described using types. RPC/REST calls are just types too.
Has a notion of primitive types that code generator has to understand. It allows us to define:
prim type gRPC : forall(request : Type) -> forall(response : Type) -> gRPC request response
Same using Unicode syntax:
prim type gRPC : ∀(request : Type) → ∀(response : Type) → gRPC request response
If the code generator doesn't understand gRPC then it will fail.
Syntax is an extension of Dhall language. Dhall is also used to encode Archetype intermediate representation consumed by code generator.
Code generators are explicit; there is no default code generator. This is to prevent implementation to be tied to a specific representation too much, and it also encourages users to think of code generators as something they can provide them selves.
As a consequence service API is defined by interface description in the form of Archetype IDL file, and suitable code generator(s).
-- Primitive types are those that are already known to the code generator.
-- It's just a way how to explicitly surface them in Archetype.
prim type NonEmpty : forall(a : Type) -> NonEmpty a
prim type UUID : Type
-- REST and RPC calls are modeled as primitive types as well. This allows us
-- to support any transport layer supported by individual code generator.
prim type RpcCall :
forall(request : Type)
-> forall(response : Type)
-> RpcCall request response
-- Normal types are those for which code will be generated.
type UserId = UUID
-- Enums are supported as a special case of sum types.
type UserRole = < Admin | NormalUser >
-- A user, what a surprise.
type User =
{ id : UserId
, full-name : Text
, emails : NonEmpty Text
, verified : Bool
, role : UserRole
type GetUserError =
< NoSuchUser
| AccountDisabled
| OtherError : Text
prim type Response :
forall(error : Type)
-> forall(r : Type)
-> Response error r
type rpc-get-user = RpcCall UserId (Response GetUserError User)
ark codegen --backend=EXECUTABLE [--backend-argument=ARGUMENT ...] [FILE]
ark lint [FILE]
ark diff FILE FILE
ark help
ark version
ark {--help|-h}
ark {--version|-V}
In principle Archetype compiler ark
does this:
┌─────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐│
Interface │ │ Dhall │ ││ Native
description ───>│ ark │─────────────>│ code generator ││─────> code
(Archetype) │ │ via pipe │ │┘ (.hs, .psc, etc.)
└─────────┘ └────────────────────┘
However, the implementation of code generator should behave as a pure function, or at least as much as one can be approximated. This allows us to safely examine the output of code generator.
│ ark ▼ │
│ ┌─────────────┐ │
│ │ │ │
│ │ front │ │
│ │ end │ │
│ │ │ │
│ └─────────────┘ │
│ │ │
│ IR │ │
│ ▼ │
│ ┌─────────────┐ │ IR (Dhall) ┌─────────────┐
│ │ │───────────────────>│ │
│ │ back end │ │ │ code │
│ │ executor │ │ Files (Dhall) │ generator │
│ │ │<───────────────────│ │
│ └─────────────┘ │ └─────────────┘
│ │ │
│ Archetype │
│ source │
│ code │
Parse │
│ Archetype │
│ │
│ AST │
Embed │ ┌───────┐
▼ │ │
┌───────────┐ │ Type check and normalise
│ Dhall │ │
│ │<────┘
│ AST │
Simplify │
│ │
│ IR │
│ │
Serialise │
│ │
│ Dhall │
│ │
Send │
│ Code │
│ │
│ Generator │