DLTuc - it's a simple library that allows sending logs that are partially compatible with the "DLT logs" that are defined in Autosar standard, from an MCU such as STM32 or any other MCU.
The main motivation for creating this small pseudo library was the desire to send logs and be able to display them in the "DLT Viewer" where I could conveniently filter and highlight selected ones.
The logs may be send through serial communication interface like USART/UART. Each message is stored in a ring buffer, then transmitted. Thanks to this approach, a queue of messages to send is created.
Lib. source files are located in: src/*
Prepared library should work correctly with Real Time Operation System(RTOS) after correct configuration (check file: src/DLTucConfig_template)
Demo Video: (english captions available)
To view these logs i used the DLT-Viewer:
ECU Config:
This program is very useful to filtering and marking logs using "Markers".
This lib. is very simple, and support only small part of dlt logs possibilities, however in my opinion it's usefull solution.
Detailed instruction you can find in: src/DLTuc.h
Provided examples were tested on NUCLEO STM32F103RB board, DLT_Viewer 2.23, and with my simple nnRTOS:
If you want just check the library, compiled binaries are included at: examples\binaries
You are ready to compile source and load firmware if you have listed tools in your environment: (environment variables)
* arm-none-eabi-gcc 9.3.1
* OpenOCD 0.11.0
* make 3.81 or newer
Finally just call "make" in command line in directory of the project.
#stm32 #dlt #viewer #debug #log #logs #mcu #microcontroller #data #log #diagnostic #and #trace