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Releases: trukadukbwr/clcret

CLCret Dragonflight v10.1.5

19 Jul 19:33
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-Updated for Dragonflight 10.1.5
-Cleaned up code
-Added string to use Templar Slash (second part of combo) if it's about to expire

CLCret Dragonflight v10.1.0

06 May 22:00
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Changed toc file to 10.1

CLCret Dragonflight 10.0.7-r2

24 Mar 04:36
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-Fixed a bug with Divine Hammer string. Addon should now properly recommend Divine Hammer only when it's off cd.

CLCret Dragonflight v10.0.7

20 Mar 23:38
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-Updated for patch 10.0.7 Ret rework
-Cleaned up code and removed unused strings

CLCret Dragonflight 10.0.2 r5

02 Nov 05:09
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-Fixed bug where the addon would suggest Radiant Decree even if you weren't talented into it. The string should now function properly and only suggest it if it's picked as a talent. Parenthesis and PEMDAS are important in code. =P

-Fixed a bugged where Divine Toll could be suggested if it was on CD. This was due to the way the covenant version interacts with the talent, so if you had the talent and wer ein shadowlands, or if you were out of shadowlands without the talent, it was reading the CD on the unusable one. I reworked the code for it and added two extra checks to be extra extra extra sure you could use a version of it.

CLCret Dragonflight 10.0.2 r4

26 Oct 01:07
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-Fixed a bug causing Radiant Decree to be suggested more then intended
-Fixed a bug with Divine Toll String which caused it to be ignored if you were in a shadolands zone and know the Kyrian version, but were not specced into the talent. The addon should now properly detect if you can cast one of the versions.

CLCret Dragonflight 10.0.2

21 Oct 03:02
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-Fixed bug where addon would suggest Divine Storm even when not talented into Sanctify.
-Merged all the holy power spenders and holy power spender w/ Dusk n Dawn strings; now the base strings can detect Dusk n Dawn talent and will let the approriate holy power to be built up/spent, depending on talent configurations.
-Cleaned up old, now obsolete code

CLCret Shadowlands 9.2.0

16 Feb 20:45
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-Updated for patch 9.2 Eternity's End
-Added string for Wake of Ashes with Art of War (So you can add the proc as a higher priority in the rotation. Good for situations where it procs w/o seraphim up and you don't want to miss the 2pc, 2 sec, seraphim.)

CLCret Shadowlands 9.1.5

22 Nov 21:53
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Updated .toc files for patch 9.1.5
Added support for Necrolord lego


01 Jul 20:28
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