Simple Project that depictures a djinn coming out of a genie lamp and fulfilling a wish, a rain of gold coins.
I used Blender for the OBJs that i used in the project and OpenGL/C++ to combine the code with the OBJs and textures.
- Install CMake
- Download the source code
- Create a new file called "build" inside the folder "Djinn"
- Use it as the building folder in the CMake app
- Then create the desired files inside the foler "build" using the app
- Open a terminal in the folder "build" and run the command "make"
- Go to the folder djinn and run the command "./djinn"
- Key 1: The genie lamp starts to tremble
- Key 2: The Djinn comes out and the lamp stops trembling
- Key 3: Clouds are appearing in the top of the room and gold coins start falling
- Keys Q,W,E,A,S,D: Camera movements for Down, Front, Up, Left, Back, Right respectively
- Keys Y,U,I,H,J,K: Light movement for Down, Front, Up, Left, Back, Right respectively
- Key Z,X: Camera movements for Diagonally Zoom Out and In respectively
- Escape: Closes the program
Perfect order for the whole process: 1 -> Z -> 2 -> 3